20 blind

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   Slowly opening my eyes. I have a massive headache. Max is the first thing I see. His eyes are red and puffy, tear Stained cheeks. I give his hand a squeeze, to let him know I'm awake. He jumps up and looks at me with wide eyes. "Thought you could get rid of me?" I joke. Max didn't think it was funny. "Baby not now." He whispered and his eyes clouded over.
Next thing I knew two nurses came in, and in there arms was two babies. Max started crying again. "Fox meet your son and your daughter," the nurse whispered. She put them in each of my arms. I looked at the boy. He wasn't breathing his eyes were closed. "No please no. Your lying." I sob. Max gets up and sits next to me. I look at the girl her eyes are open but there pure white. "Why does this have to happen!" I scream. Tears falling down my face like waterfalls.
"I'm so sorry my love." Max cries taking the boy from my arms. "What did I do to him?" I whispered kissing my girl's head. She's blind for sure. "Why did I deserve this?" I silently cry. Chase opens the door quietly and walks to the bed. "Mommy it's gonna be okay. I can feel it she's gonna be fine. I'll protect her." Chase tells me puffing out his chest.
This day was the worst. It reminded me of the storms when I was in the wild. The herd looking for trees to cover. But there was never enough room for me so I stood out in the pouring rain. But I always thought someone had it worse than me but today I was sure no one had it worse. The winds of a strong storm blowing made it colder. Strong heavy rain soaking my fur. "Storm." I say strongly looking up. Max looks at me blinking tears away. "Storm is her name. Just because of her sight she wont be held back." I say. Max nods and kisses her head. Chase stares at Storm like she was gold. His little sister.
We got to take Storm to her room. She saw so pretty even with her flaws. Chase thought that too. He sat right next to her crib.
     He was 7 now but he looked 10. He was already building muscle like a 16 year old. I think he has an alpha blood line some where in him. He was a handsome little dude to. His blonde hair all gelled up, I did his hair this morning for his play date with Callie. He had dark blue eyes. Like navy blue. His teeth were naturally straight.
    "Okay My loves I think it's time for bed." Max whispers standing from his chair. I nodded but Chase disobeyed and stayed. "I'll watch over her mommy." He says confidently with a smile. Max looks at me asking if we should let him stay. With a slight nod of my head Max responded. "That's my boy always looking out for his pack." With that we left and went to bed.

    Okay so I'm thinking about making a book 2 when this is finished. Thoughts?

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