10 Male Mark?

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( this chapter is a little sexual so I'll put this 😏 when it gets there and this 😟 when is over)

I open my eyes too see Max's wolf standing in front of me. I look down at my feet and there still paws. So Max shifted not me. Max walks closer to me as his tail wags. He sat down in front of me and licks my snout. His scent is making Cherry go wild. " I'm talking over." She says cuddling up to Max's huge wolf. " Your smaller for a wolf but it's okay." Max mind links me. Max leans closer to me as I cuddle into his chest. " Can we sleep out here tonight?" I ask mind linking him. I feel him nod his head. He stands up and runs a little to the woods telling me to follow him. We race through the woods to a flower field. " Max's it's wonderful." I link. He lays down nodding his head for me to lay next to him. " I'm liking this wolf thing. It's bring me closer to his wolf." Cherry giggles as I lay down next to Max. He wrapped his paws and head around so I could lay my head on his. I feel Cherry purr. Wait did she just purr. Max lets out a low growl as he smells my scent. I can feel him losing control slowly. " Clara you need to shift." Max whimpers in my head. I close my eyes and focus on my human form. My bones crack and shift. I hear Max wine putting his wolf head in my lap. " Max can you shift too?" I asks opening my eyes. He stands up and shifts to his human form. " I can't control him now that I marked you." he groans putting his head in his hands. " It's okay I can't control Cherry she's took control from me more than once." I say hugging him. " Yeah but I'm the Alpha I need to have more control over my wolf." He whispers looking at me. " Max it's hard for both of us the mating process isn't finished so our wolfs want to finish it." I say pecking his lips. " I know." he sighs. " Speaking of the mating can we please." Cherry begs. I ignore her and lay my head on Max's chest. He wraps his arms around my waist as I fall asleep.

( In the morning)
I slowly wake up feeling kisses on my neck. We are still in the flower felid. "Hey sweetie." Max whispers kissing the mark on my neck. " Hey." I moan. " I'm so happy your mine." He says. Cherry fights to gain control of our body. " Why don't females mark there mate?" I ask him. He kisses my head. " I don't know do want to see want would happen if you did?" he asks growling a little. " Yes" Cherry yells In my head. " Max it could hurt you really bad" I say putting my hand on his neck. " so no" I add kissing him. 😏He lets out a moan causing Cherry to take more control of me. Max pushes me so I'm on my back is in the flowers. He starts to kiss my neck. " Max cherry is taking over" I whisper out of breath but then he kissed my mark and I let out a moan. He pulls away and looks in my eyes. His eyes are black so his wolf took over. " Max" I say in mind link. He doesn't answer. He leans down kissing me again. He kisses all the way down my jaw to my mark and sinks his teeth in again. I hiss in pain but pleasure takes over making me wrap my legs around his waist. He releases his teeth and licks the blood off my neck again. That sends cherry over the edge she forcefully takes over my body. Max picks me up and pushes my back up against a tree not braking the kiss. Cherry pulls away from him and kisses down his jaw to his neck. He growls and moans at the same time. Cherry quickly finds his sweet spot. She slowly pushes my teeth in his neck. He hisses in pain pushing me harder on the tree. Cherry gives me back control. 😟I take my teeth out and drop my legs from his waist. " Max are you ok" I ask licking the blood off his neck. He lets out a low growl. " I'm fine sweetie" he whispers letting me off the tree. " Well now your mine" I say smirking. He pecks my lips nodding. " Let's go home" He says wrapping a arm around my waist.

(At home)
We walk in and everyone in the pack house looks at us eyes wide. " Carry on" Max growls at them. " Hey Max where's my necklace" I ask as we walk up the stairs. " Oh yeah here" he says pulling it out of his pocket and puts into my hand. " Thank you" I say pecking his cheek. We get to his room and I sit on his bed. " ok I have something to tell you" He whispers sitting next to me. I cock my head to the side. " when you wear that necklace you won't shift into a wolf" he whispers looking at me. " you'll shift back to your horse form" he adds.

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