5 Finding Out

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I wake up early before Max so I can shift. He has his arms wrapped around my waist and the other was on my upper thigh. " Wow he's great at cuddling." Cherry says wanting to melt at his touch. I slowly move his arms and make my way outside. As soon as I get out side I race to the woods. " Is it here good?" Cherry asks me. I nodded. The feeling of my bones cracking and the noise it makes still is a little scary. " It feels so much better to be back on my 4 legs again." I tell her. We wait about an hour so at least so someone would be awake when I walk up. We pick up a gallop and run to the pack house raring, bucking, and neighing. " Alpha she's back!" Someone screams at the top of their lungs. Next thing I hear is thumping and things crashing. " Fox baby girl your back!" Max yells running to me wrapping his arms around my neck. " I'm sorry for what I did I didn't mean it I love you." he whispers kissing my nose. " See he misses us." Cherry beams. I nicker and push him a little with my head. " You said 2 days then you'll show me who you are." Max reminds me. " It's been 3." he adds. I stare at him with a blank face. " This is mean to me and him." Cherry wines. " Your not shift are you?" He sighs. I shake my head no. " But you promised." he wines. I nicker and use my nose too point at his pack that a staring at us. " Do your chores!" Max yells at them in his alpha voice. I look around and pull his shirt with my teeth to get him to follow me. I pick up a canter to the woods but he doesn't come. I turn around to see him shifting. His wolf is huge and black it was the wolf from last night. I pick up a gallop to the forest and he follows. " What are you doing? " Cherry asks me. " I'm not just going to tell him who I am. I'm going to give him hints tell he gets a small idea." I tell her. She groans. I pick up the pace and Max runs next to me. We make it to the small town. He goes behind a tree and shifts. He comes back with just a pair of shorts on. " Why are we here?" Max asks. I can feel him try and mind link with me but i push him away. I walk forward move to the dinner we ate at. " Don't get mad but I came here with a girl last night, She also slept over last night." He whispers. I nicker nodding. After this I trot back over to the woods where I ran off too. " This is where she freaked out." he sighs. I nod and I nuzzle him. I see his eyebrows crunch together. " There's our smart mate I was getting  worried." Cherry laughs. " Wait how do you know where everything happened at?" He asks. It's time, I'm going to show him. I close my eyes and shift. I open my eyes and I'm on 2 legs. Max's eyes are wide as he just stares at me. " Fox I mean Clara who ever you are you're my mate." He says. I nodded. " But I can't smell you?" He asks cocking his head. " Oh!" I say and reach around my neck and take off the necklace. I can tell he smells me now because he takes a long breath and smiles. " There it is and gosh you smell good." He whispers picking me up in a hug spinning me. He puts me down and kisses me. " Well now that I can talk to you for real. I don't like your mom." I state. He laughs. " Let's go home human style." he says wrapping his arm around my waist. We look at each other and start to walk home. " Wait so you saw when they tried to fool me with a fake horse?" He asks. " Yes that would be why I don't like your mom." I giggle as we walk. " Ill race you back!" I yell as I take off. He ended up winning when we get there everyone is outside. " Alpha we have a problem!" Someone yells out. I look at him. " What is it?" he asks walking to them and I follow. " The filly she hurt her leg but she won't let me help her!" the vet calls out. My eyes widen and I run to her jumping over the fence. I get to her side and see her leg. There's no damage done to her leg so I pick up her foot there was a nil in it. " Max come here please" I call out to him. He rushes to my side.. " What is it?" He asks The filly moves around in pain. " There's a nil in her hoof I need a knife." I tell him. He nods and pulls a pocket knife out of his pocket and hands it to me. " Thank you" I say. I put the tip under the top and pull the nail out. " The hole is not deep it should heal quickly." I tell them. The pack stares at me and Max. I start to feel uncomfortable so I lean into Max. " Alpha did she just tell you what to do and you followed." someone yells in the crowd. " Can I let him in our head because he really wants to mind link?" Cherry asks. I nodded to her. " Yes I did because she's my real mate." he responds to them. They all look at me and back at him. I reach up and feel my necklace. They can't smell me so that's good. " She's humans!" His mother yells. " Sorry." Max mind links with me. " It's fine." I answer to him. He wraps a arm around me and smiles down at me. " No matter what she will be your Luna!" He yells at them. " You can tell them what I am if you want." I link him. He nodded. " She is not human she is a horse shiftier, she is Fox." He tells them. The filly walks to my side and I pet her. " I'm Clara most of you know me as Fox so I'm okay if you call me that." I say to the pack. " Well she's cute!" A guy yells and the pack laughs at that. " You will respect her under stood!" Max yells in his alpha voice. I finch a little because I'm standing right next to him. " Sorry I forgot you were next to me." he mind links me. I don't answer I just lean into him more so he knows it's okay. " But Alpha she's a horse what is she going to do when other packs attack us. Run away she really good at that!" One guy the brought me here yells. " Hey stop! In 3 weeks time she will be your Luna." he says. " Back to your chores." he adds. " Well don't they just love me." I joke looking down. " Awe it's ok. They won't be like that for long no one can hate you." he says kissing my head. " Come on I want to tell you something." I say remembering something from when I got here.

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