21 Danger

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3 years later

I hold Storm's hand as tears fall down my cheeks. Max loading the Chase's bags in the car as Chase said goodbye. Chase was leaving to alpha training camp so he can return at 18 as our new alpha. He's 10 now and he'll shift between 13 to 16 years old. He looks 15 already he was well built. I knew he was gonna be an amazing alpha. Especially with Callie on his side. We don't know if their mates yet but there best friends. Max was getting older and tired of all of the responsibilities. He says he just wants time with our family. He wanted Chase to take his place.
Chase hugs me goodbye. He refused to let himself cry as he kissed my cheek. But something snapped in him once he go to Storm. They have a really good bond. Brother and sister. She could sleep unless he was there. Chase's eyes filled with tears and they slowly leaked out. "I'll miss you Stormy. I'll be back. Don't forget me." He whispers hugging her.
Storm cries so hard as Chase's car drives away. She kicked her legs she closed her whitish silver eyes and tears stream down. Her short pure white hair gets messy from her tossing her head.
I felt so bad so did Max. We both started to cry, in a group hug. Max is a very soft Alpha after our son, and Storm thing. He's honestly lucky that our pack has a high scary name so no one messes with our pack. We have always had the top warriors and their even stronger, faster, smarter than before.
Callie touched my shoulder to get my attention. "Fox he's gonna be an amazing Alpha when he comes back," she tells me softly. "And with a strong Luna by his side." I send her a small smile and give her a hug.
The pack goes back to there daily lives. Storm hasn't stop crying yet. "Please help me make her stop." I cry to Cherry. "There's nothing I can do that you couldn't." she tells me upset that her pup is crying. Max was getting frustrated, we were in his office and he was trying to do paperwork. I felt bad, I could feel the stress come off of him. Storm crying was making it worse. "I'm sorry Max she won't stop." I whisper. He stood up abruptly, his chair flying 5 feet away hitting the wall. "Hand her to me." he says holding his arms out. I carefully place her in his arms and he wraps her up. Max walks quickly up the stair to Chase's old room.
Right when we enter through the door way Storms stopped crying. "The smell of Chase." Cherry says like it was obvious. "Of course that would make her stop, she's blind she thinks he's here." I link to Max so Storm wouldn't hear. Max places her in Chase's bed.
Emma walks into the living room covered in dirt and mud. "What happened to you?" I ask trying to hold in my laughs.She sighs "Moon thought he should go on a run," She grabs a water out of the refrigerator. "Without me." she finished with a sigh. I could not hold it in anymore, I busted up laughing. "Bro it's not funny!" she yells laughing a bit herself.
Honestly everything was moving slower. There was no drama happening everything was calm. No one out to kill us. BUT let me tell you I spoke to soon.
Max burst through the door. "Woman and children get to the underground safe house. Do not come up till told by Alpha commands." He says in his Alpha voice. Everyone panics and heads to safety. I race up to Storm and grab her out of Chase's bed. Max stops me on my way back down the stairs. "Stay hidden my love. Their after Storm. The rouges want her dead because they think she's the reason their "sweet sweet" Mia is dead." He explains. I nodded trying to keep calm but I was freaking out.
     I run to safety, Storm cradled in my arm. "Callie!" I call out to the crowd of woman and children. Her 6'0 body pushes through the two women standing in front of me. "Hold Storm watch her with your heart," I kiss Storms head. "I'm going to check on the pack." I head off reassuring women and children.
     "Luna Fox what's happening out there." a lady asks me shaking. "Lie say it's nothing to worry about." Cherry responds. I stutter I've words so she takes charge. "There is nothing to worry about just stay calm." I'm forced to say.
      Cherry walks is through a few more when a lady crying runs to us. "Please help me my baby is gone I don't know where she is!" Cherry took the lady, Bell in our arms. "Shhh," I rock her side to side. "I'll find her." I assure her. 
       I let her go and push through the crowd to find a lost girl.
      I searched every inch of the safety ground. There's only one more place she could be. Above ground. I sigh as I look around. Max take care of them if I don't make it.
     Slowly I head up the stairs. Unlocking the door with my keys and pulling it open. I make sure I close and lock the door behind me. I can smell the blood. Hears the howls and screams of pain. The house was drenched in blood and wolf fur. My heart ached to get Storm and Max and leave far far away.
         I shifted and let Cherry take over as we search for the lost little girl.
    Okay so don't hate me but this book will be coming to a end super super soon and I have a feeling your not gonna like the ending. I'm sorry. BUT the sequel will be out a few days after that it will be called "The One With White". My new book have its first chapter out so check that out "Blue Rose Ranch".

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