7 Snake bit

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Max and me are eating breakfast in the middle of the day. " Max." I say looking at his food. " Yeah?" he ask looking at me. " You might want to take the old fur off your food." I giggle pointing to the fur ball and his eggs. " Oh my gosh that's so gross!" he yells pushing his food away from him. " So what do you want to do today?" He asks me but I can till he wants something. " You want my food don't you?" I whisper smiling at his hopeful eyes. I push my food to him. " Yay your the best!" he yells kissing me. " Strong Alpha we got here." I say laughing. " Hey I'm tough." he pouts. " Yea okay." I joke. " Oh I see well our Luna likes to joke." he glare playfully. " I'm funny." I wine eating the food on my plate. " Hey get your own food!" he yells biting at my hand. " Hey you took my food!" I playfully slap him. He moves the plate so we can both eat off of it. " Can we go for a run?" I ask him. " Can I ride you?" he smirks. "No you can't, would you feel comfortable with riding your horse mate." I say. " No I wouldn't." he sighs. I giggle and get up grabbing his hand. I run out side and shift into my horse. " Wow your Beautiful." he links to me. He shifts into his black wolf. We run into the woods him leading the way. " Look there's a river." I link him and jump in the river. Max trots over I watch as his muscles flex. He drinks out of the river so I push him in. " Not cool." he links. I take off back home and he follows. I make it back home and turn around but Max is not there. " Where is he?" I ask cherry. She starts to get worried when he doesn't come out after a few minutes. So I shift to human form and walk into the woods. " Max!" I yell. " If this is pay back its not funny!" I yell again. I hear a howl of pain so I run where it came from. Max is laying on the floor. " Max are you okay?" I say sliding to his side. " Max you need to shift back." I tell him. Werewolves shift naked so it will be awkward but if he's hurt I need to know. " Max please you can't talk to me." I say putting my hand on his wolf face. He shuts his eyes and shifts, I just keep my eyes on his eyes. " What happened?" I ask. " A snake bit me." he whispers shutting his eyes tightly. " No stay with me your a werewolf the poison won't spread you'll be fine as long as you stay awake!" I yell slapping his cheek. He opens his eyes and jumps to his feet laughing. Pay back!" he yells doing a cute dance. " You jerk I thought you were really hurt!" I scream at him but before I knew what I was going I was hugging him. " Let's go home." he says laughing picking me up bridle style and starts to walk back to the house.

*Back at the house*
" Alpha where have you been?" James his beta yells at him. " With Clara." Max answers put his arm around my shoulder. " Well a guy has wondering around the Territory." James explains. " What did he look like?" I ask. James mind links with a few members of the pack. " No one got a look a him." James explaiI look up at Max he has a we're going to get him look on his face. " Max" I worn him. " We leave at dawn." He says grabbing my hand leading my up stairs to his room. " While I'm gone I want you to take care of the pack." He tells me as we lay down on his bed. " No Max your not going that man is not a threat to the pack." I groan. He stands up running his hand through his hair. " I have too. It's my pack I live to protect them!" he yells at me. This causes me to flinch back hitting my head on the head board. " Max the man is not a threat. If he was he would be closer." I say rubbing my head. " God maybe the pack is right having a soft hearted horse shifter as Luna is a bad idea." He sighs throwing his hands up. " Max you don't mean that do you?" I whisper tears streaming down my face. He turns around and his face softens. " Clara no I didn't mean to say that I'm so sorry." he whispers sitting next to me on the bed but I move away. " Please I'm sorry I don't know what got into me." he begs. I wipe my tears and stand up. " I'm going for a run." I whisper walking to the door. " It's 5 it will be dark soon I coming with you." he says standing up following me. " No your not!" I says running out side and shift. I take off to behind the pack house. When I reach the top of the hill I crash into a horse. I shift back. The horse is a black stallion. " Hey buddy how'd you get out here?" I say in the voice is you talk to baby's. It looks at my and tears fall from its eyes. Next thing I know the horse shifts into a man no older than 21. I stare with wide eyes and back away. " Im your brother. I've been looking everywhere for you!" he says excitedly. " No it's not possible I'm the last horse shifter.I whisper backing away. He takes a step to me. " We need to leave we're on werewolf ground." he whispers. " Who are you?" I ask sternly. " I'm Nathan your bother a couple years older than you." he says putting his hand out. I shake it. " Okay so let's go the werewolves could easily kill us." Nathan says walking the opposite way of the house. " No I can't go with you. Wait I thought you were dead or wanted nothing to do with me." I say. He stops and cocks his head to the side. So now I definitely know we're related because that's my thing. " You hit your head as a kid when we ran mom and dad were killed I tried to fine you for years." he whispers looking down. " Why can't you come with me?" he asks. " I'm have a mate here." I say shifting. " Wait don't go!" Nathan yells at me. I take off back to the house tears streaming down my face. When I get back to the house I shift back dropping to my knees. A brother. I have a brother. One of my kind. I let out a frustrating scream. " Clara!" Max yells running to my side. " Sweetie what happened? he asks. " I have a brother." I say.

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