4 The Kiss

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I turned to run but there's a different wolf standing there. It's not as big and it has brown eyes. I look around for a way to get away. I hear the snarling of the wolfs. I really hope one of them is Max. I fall to the floor holding my ears. After a few minutes of freaking out, I feel a wet dog/wolf nose on my arm. Tears stream down my face as I look up. The nose belong to who I think is my mate, the big black wolf. I pet his head. He trots away and goes back to the town. " Wow thanks." I think to myself. I hop off of the ground and start back to the small town. I reach the main road and the car that Max was in is leaving. The one of the cars come to a screeching stop. " Miss are you okay?" Max asks. I just look at him. " Guys I'll be home soon continue to look for Fox if no one finds her. You don't come home till someone does." Max demands. " He really cares." Cherry wines. She wants to go back, she changed her freak'n mind. " Come on I'll get some food." Max whispers grabbing my hand and leading me to a small diner. "T-thank you." I say. We get to the diner and he opens the door for me. " he's so nice us." Cherry coo's. " Here we are. Order anything it's on me." Max smiles at me. I just nodded. " So what would you like?" the cashier asks. I look at the board. " I j-just want an apple p-please." I tell her. " An apple?" Max asks with his eyebrows raised. I nod. "Okay." the girl says. Max tells her what he wand then sits down at a table. " So after we eat do you want to come to my place?" He asks me. " Yes!" Cherry yells in my head. " S-sure." I answer. The girl brought us our food. " Are you sure you just want an apple?" Max asks me. " Yes I'm sure." I answer. " You sound better." he smiles. God that smile. " So before you ran off you said everyone hurt you what did you mean?" he asks with the sorrow eyes. " Where ever I went I felt like I was never safe." I says bitting into the apple. " I like your necklace." Max complements. " Thanks." I smile. " And your eyes. Do I know you?" he asks. " Uhm n-no." I stutter. " What's your name?" he asks. " Clara." I says looking down. " Come on we better get going." he smiles as we get up. We walk to a car then he drives us back to the pack house.

@the pack house@
We get out of the car and walk to the house. " No ones back they still haven't found her." Max mumbles sadly. " You said you were looking for a bay mare 15.1 qurter horse?" I ask turning to him. " Named Fox." I add. " How do you know she's a quarter horse?" He asks now with wide eyes. " When was the first time you saddled her?" I ask not answering his question. " It's 2 am so it's been 2 days. Now how do you know that!" he yells. I look him in the eyes. "Please show him." Cherry begs. " No I'm going to mess with his head for a little." I yell laughing at her. " I miss her so much." he sighs. I look up at his eyes. His eyes turn a little blue it's a shifter thing when you mind link with others your eyes turn a lighter color. " Your eyes." I say like I'm surprised. " Oh uhm." he panicked grabbing his phone looking at it. " Oh my gosh the pac- guys found a sign of her!" he yells jumping up and down. " Wow I never thought I would see any guy do that." I giggle. " I'm sorry but this mare means the world to me and I never got to tell her that." he whispers. " Please find some way to hug him or something. I miss his touch." Cherry demands. I can't really fight her about that I miss it to. " Wow I'm so glad they found something!" I say excitedly hugging him. He wraps his arms around my waist. I could feel the sparks flying and he smells so good. Well he would smell good to me even if he didn't. It's a mate thing. He sets me down. " You set me up. If he felt that I'm screwed!" I yell at Cherry. " I but I already have someone." Max says pulling away from the hug. I'm definitely going to mess with him now. " But I know you felt the sparks." I whisper taking a step closer to him. " I did but if we have an connection then that means Fox would be dead and i refuse to believe that." He says quietly. " But Fox is just a horse." I smirk pecking his cheek. " Look I can't do this, I must stay loyal." He explains taking a step back. " Stay loyal to who?" I ask raising an eyebrow. " I can't tel-." he cut him self off well he see car drive down the road. " They found her." he smile grabbing my hand running to the truck and trailer. " Well Alph-." the man cut him self off looking at me. " We found her." Max's mother says. I glare at her and she caught me. Max run around the to the trailer opening the door. " Wait we're here and they found us because that makes sense!" Cherry snaps. That was actually a great point. If we're here and they were looking for us how'd they find me. I walk over to were Max went and I see him and a cherry bay horse that looks like me. I walk next to Max. " Wow I see what you missed." I giggle. " NO THIS ISN'T HER!" he yells in his alpha voice but it was much louder. " How did you know we got a horse that looks like her!" His mother yells. " The look of her is different, The touch, the attitude, Fox's eyes are not brown there green." he says with tears. " Are you crying?" some random person asks. " Everyone go to bed!" Max yells at them. He takes the halter off the horse and let her lose. " What are you doing she could die out there!" I yell at him. " I don't want her." he say like it was no problem. " No you could've sold her. She won't last a day out there with the wolves!" I scream. " You you like to stay over?" He asks me. I nodded. He grabbed my hand bring me to the pack house. " Woah this house is huge!" I whisper yell. He smiles and looks a me. " Yep it has to house a lot of people." he answers. He leads me into with I'm guessing that is his room. " You seem so familiar?" he says in a question form. I panic and so did Cherry. My eyes widen and I jump at him and push my lips on his. He kisses back. I feel like fireworks were going of at the touch. After a few minutes he pushes me off. " No no no. It can't be. She would have to be dead." He cries. I smirk. " Shh it's okay what are you talking about?" I ask laying do on his bed. " Nothing let sleep." he whispers.

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