9 The Mark

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I wake up with Max's face in my neck and arms wrapped around my waist. I slowly get out of his arms standing up. " Where you going?" Max asks sitting up. " To Talk to my bother I'll be back later." I say Putting on shorts and a tank top. " Can I come to meet him?" Max asks looking at me with his puppy dog eyes. " No Max." I say sternly. When I get out of the house walking past Glares I shift. " Nathan you still here?" I ask through mind link. " Yep right behind the barn." He answers. I gallop my way there and He's standing there in human form. I shift to human form too. " Hey." I say hugging him. " Last time we talk you said that you had a mate here." Nathan says smiling. I nodded. "What if my mate is a wolf I can mark her and she would shift to a horse I can save the horse shifters from dying out." He yells. His idea hit me up side the head. " Well why are you taking to me go find your mate!" I yell pushing him. He shifts and runs off as I do the same thing. I head back to the house and everyone is around the bull pin. I shift to human form and walk over to see what was going on. " where are you?" I ask Max through mind link. " Get to the arena quick!" He yells in my head. I run as fast as I can and there is the white stallion the Sire of midnight's unborn foal. He stomping out a guy in the arena and Max plus his beta are trying to get the horse to stop. " Hey!" I scream at the top of my lungs, jumping the fence. Everyone stops what there doing and the stallion slowly reaches his head going to bit Max. " Don't you even dare." I growl at him and he quickly stands straight. I look around at the men, they look sweaty and tried. " How long has this been going on?" I asks them and the horse goes to make a run for it. " Get your butt over here if you want to see your foal!" I yell at the horse. Everyone gives me a weird look but Max smirks sticking his tongue out at the stallion as the horse walks over to me. " Max your an Alpha don't be so childish." I scold him. I pet the stallions neck. " Explain!" I yell. The first to start is Max. "It was his fault we were trying to ride him then he ripped Mike's shirt." He rambles pointing to the stallion. I look over at the stallion. "It's okay boy your just playing." I say petting his face. " What!" Max yells pouting crossing his arms. The pack starts to laugh. " But that was mean." I add. The stallion glares at Max. "Lightning is your name." I whisper to the horse. " Max get over here as for the rest of you carry on what you were doing!" I yell in a powerful voice. They all listen and Max walks over to me head down. "You two must work this out but for now I need to talk to Max." I say to Lighting and Max. They nodded then Max came with me. "How many woman are not mated in this pack?" I asks as we walk to midnight's stall. "About 231. Why?" Max answers opening the stall door for me. "My brother can save my kind. There's no more Horse shifters besides us. He finds his mate and marks her-" I start to explain but Max understood and took over. " She changes, find him I'll get the girls we'll have a party." Max Orders me. I playfully glare at him. " Did you just order me?" I say cocking my head. His eyes widen. " No I'm sorry I should not be ordering my mate around I'm sorry." He sighs hugging me. " I know I was kidding." I say hugging back. I grab vet wrap and wrap her tail up. Then feed her. I look at Max  and he kissed her forehead whispering to her. " You know that stallion you we're fighting with is the father." I says walks out of the stall. " Their midnight and lighting." I say smiling. " Everything is going to be okay for her." He says hugging me. I take in his wonderful scent. " I want to be with you Max. " I don't want to leave you" I say to cherry. " It's ok I'll still be here but I'll be your wolf. Nothing changes but what you shift into" She explains to me. I sit there with a dumb look on my face. I guess I should have read more of the book. "Max follow me." I say running up to his room. He is so hard to resist. When we get up there I slam the door shut locking it. " Clara what are you doing?" he asks with a smirk. " Max." I whisper with pleading eyes. That sent him over the edge, he slammed me into a walk kissing me. I smile kissing him back. I feel my feet lifted off the ground and I'm thrown on his bed. " Are you sure? When I mark you it will hurt at first and when you shift it will feel like your first time shifting again."he asks out of breath. "Just shut up and kiss me." I groan. He smirks and starts to kiss me again. He kisses his way down my neck to where he will mark me. I hear him let out a low growl and lick the spot causing me to moan. He sinks his teeth in to my neck and I scream out in pain but pleasure takes over. A moan comes from me and him. He takes his teeth out and licks the blood of kissing the mark. " Our mating bond will be even harder to control when you shift." He whispers looking into my eyes. I see passion and lust in him eyes witch makes it hard not to let Cherry have control. She would rip his clothes of in a second. He kisses me again but there's a firry burn on my body. I scream out clawing Max. " Your shifting." He says worried picking me up and bring me out side. The pain doesn't stop. I hear and feel my bones crack and Pop. Max whimpers feeling my pain but he can't do anything. All at once the pain stops at once. " Cherry are you there" I ask. " Yes look at us were a wolf " She says giggling. I look down at my paws and I have Black paws, a reddish body plus black ears and green eyes. Max's stares at me in awe till his mother comes out. " Max is that-" He cuts her off. " Clara your beautiful and your color is rare." He says walking up to me. I wine a little and that makes his smile bigger. " Max your mother is staring." I say through mind link. He nodded and turned to his mother. " Hey try and shift to your horse again see what happens" Cherry say wanting to know. I close my eyes and hear the cracking of bones. I open my eyes to see...............

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