16 Mommy

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* A week later*
" Max, Chase settle down and eat your food." I say trying not to laugh. They were throwing blue berries at each other trying to get them in their mouths. "Come on one try?" Max asks picking up a blue berry from his pancake. "Yeah mom do it!" Chase giggles. My heart jumps out of my chest as I stare wide eyed. Best day ever omg!Max looks at me and Chase with a smile. Chase has never called me mom but he calls Max dad all the time so this was the first time he's said mom. I didn't even notice I was crying till Chase spoke up. " Mommy don't cry." He pouts running over to me and hugs my waist. Max follows and brings us both into a hug. " I love you." Max whispers in my ear and kisses it. My wolf purrs. I haven't felt her in awhile or talk to her. " Where have you been?" I ask her. " I've been talking to Max's wolf." She response giggly. Max picks up Chase and holds him between us. " Okay Chase I have to talk to mommy. Go find Uncle Nathan and make him clean his room please." Max tells Chase setting him down and Ruffles his hair. Chase goes running off. "We still haven't talked about the person trying to poison you." Max points out. " There's nothing to talk about." I mumble walking over to the front door. " Nothing to talk about? Someone tried to hurt my mate and our baby." He says raising his voice. Max walks over to me and places his hands on my tummy. " Clara I can't lose you or the baby. Do you know anyone who could've done it?" He asks. We move to the couch and sit down. Max started to name people. Some jumps to my mind every quickly. After me taking Max away from her I wouldn't be surprised if it was her. "Babe what if is was my mom?" Max asks leaning his head into my neck. I feel his lips kiss my mark making a worm tingle spread through my body. "Max what about Mia?" I asks him. As soon as the words leave my mouth a growl rips through him and he stands up. His beautiful eye are clouded over as he fights to take control over his wolf. "Where is she?" Max's wolf growls out. I sit then in shock I have never seen him so mad. "Max calm down. Being this upset about it won't help." I whisper walking to his side. When I place my hand on his cheek, I can feel his gritted teeth and the heat raiding off him. He lowers his head to look at me. We stare into each other's eyes till he calms down. "This is what we're going to do.  We are going to get a few trackers to find her but for now we a going have both of our wonderful kids and love them. So let's go find Chase and we'll all do something together." I whisper smoothly placing my forehead on his. He grabs my, Emma hand and leads me to the barn were Chase is most likely. Emma has been training midnight's foal, Moon every day and he just likes to watch her. Sure enough Chase is petting the foal's face as she grooms him. "Chase is something special." Max whispers. I look up at him with a smile but Max's face was flat. "He is special. That's way he's ours." I say back. Before I can take a step Max grabs my hand. "I know and this one is going to be alpha blood." Max says putting his hand on my tummy. I peck his lips and turn my head back looking at Chase. "Can you get on of the trackers to find out about Chase's parents?" I ask. I want him to be able to know his parents. Even though he's mine now and forever. I would do anything to see or talk to my parents. "Sure I'll get them on it." He smiles. I grab his hand as we walk over to Emma and Chase. "Hey!" Emma giggles. Something draws my eyes. To her neck. Nathan's mark. Nathan's and Emma's mark was of a full moon. In the moon was a man and a horse. Under all that was Nathan's name written in cursive black letters. "We're the savers of horse shifters." She say bring me out of thought. Oh I was staring. "That's amazing!" I yell hugging her over the stall door. "Mommy I want to ride a horse." Chase wines. I look over to him and Max and both their eyes hold hope. Max never gave up on trying to ride me. Ever since the first day I got here. "You know what I have the perfect horse for you and daddy. I think you dad will be happy with this." I whisper the last part so only he can hear it. Chase's face lights up along with Max's.

    Max takes Chase to go get the tack as I run inside to get my necklace. When I come back out Max is on his knees behind Chase as he teaches him how to rope. "I'm back." I say slipping on the necklace. "Okay cherry let's horse around" I joke to her. I think of my horse form and close my eyes. The sounds of bones cracking fills the air. "Clara should you be ridden? Your pregnant." Max asks with worry In his eyes. "I'll be fine I'm only a week and two days plus it's almost impossible for the body to get hurt. We're alpha werewolf/horse." I remind him. "Thank god because I finally get to ride you!" He yells laughing. He sets Chase into my back then throws him self onto my back. It's weird having people on your back as a horse. I've never had to do this. But I'm glad that it's my family. Plus Cherry was so in love the she can feel every part of Max and every part. I know she's talking to him or his wolf because he keeps laughing. "Daddy look a bird!" Chase yells point off into the air. "Wow it's a pretty one too." Max awes. He reaches around Chase and plays with my mane. "Mommy's a good horse. I want to be like her when I'm older." Chase states hugging my neck. Butterflies go off in my stomach from all of this. I have a family now.

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