18 The Doctor

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It's been a few weeks. Stuff is getting better around the pack house. But it's still weird. The horses freak out at night. Weird noises in the pack house. No one else has been hurt and Max says it's just the wind. I know he's lying and he's afraid too. He just doesn't want me or the pack scared. "Hey mommy when is she coming?" Chase asks as he puts a hand on my huge tummy. Max has Chase convinced it's gonna be a girl. I think it's a boy. "In a few months buddy." I smile down at him. He makes a weird face and sighs. "Do you want to go with mommy to the doctors?" I ask him as I put shoes on. Max usually goes with me but he's busy with the pack. Chase nodded with a smile on his face. He grabbed my hand and pulled me off to the doctors. The place reeked of wolfsbane. "Max where are you?" I link to him. Chase starts to walk without me. "Chase baby get back here!" I yell. He turns around to look at me. "Your scared mommy I want to look out the place for you." He explains as he walk back to me. "I'm in the training field. What's wrong?" Max links back. I sigh and quickly grab Chase's hand. "The pack doctors reeks of wolfsbane." I tell him. I can feel him cut the link. No less then 3 minutes later Max is by my side. "Chase go find uncle Nathan and aunt Emma." Max tells him softly. Chase smiles then gives us a hug before running off. "Okay Love stay close by." He whispers kissing my head. I nodded grabbing his hand in mine. Chase starts to open the door and walk in but immediately something was off. My paper work laid out on a table. Max quickly looks through it. I look and find something. Bad. Really bad. "Max he said I was a A- right?" I ask holding up a paper. "Yeah why." He asks looking up at me. "2014 discovery shows at all were-animals have B+ blood type." I read off the paper. Max's face was pissed and confused. I look over to the table again and see my blood work. "Max.... Who the hell is this guy?" I ask picking up my blood work. B+. "What the hell is this guy giving me every month?" I ask. "Probably something not good!" Max yells. His eyes cloud over as he links our trackers and warriors. "Love go inside find Nathan stay with him okay. He had Chase and Emma." Max tells me to do. I nodded and gave him a quick kiss. "Hey I love you!" He calls out. "I love you too!" I call back. As soon as I reach the house Nathan pulls me into a big hug. "Take a nap okay. You must be tired." He whispers. I nodded and walked to bed.

Okay so I didn't edit this so I'm sorry😂. But anyway I'm coming out with a new book soon so I hope you like it❤️

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