2 The Filly

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I fell asleep shortly after Max left but shortly after I fell asleep I was awoken by loud music. "His party is still going on, I mean your a werewolf you never die by age. You don't need a party!" Cherry snaps. I shake my head and whiny hoping someone will hear me. " Let's go to the far corner." Cherry says forcing me to walk there. " Wait Fox!" I hear Max yell from the front door and he runs over the the gate. " Mate!" Cherry screams in my head prancing her way over there as I try and take control. " I brought you an apple. That party is wild but I want to be with you." He says holding out an apple. Cherry Pushes me forward taking the apple." Can I Have my body back again?" I yell at her." Sorry it's just I missed him." She says. I walk to him putting my head over the fence nuzzling him. " It's 6:00 pm and I found my mate I can believe it!" He smiles at me. " I wish I could see what you look like." He asks again hopeful. I Snort and paw at the ground. " Fine but I'm coming out her tomorrow and I'm going to ride you." He smirks. " That jerk if he thinks that's happening then he's crazy!" I say to Cherry. " No I would love to see him on top of us." She says back. ( Sorry I had to). I see Max face redden. " Stop!" He yells out loud. I cock my head like a puppy. "My wolf is so weird." Max explains. I push his chest back. I hear him chuckle. " I'm talking to a horse who is my mate but I'm not even sure is a shiftier or even half human." He whispers looking down I see hurt in his face." Look what you did. You made our mate sad. This is why I took over don't make me do it again?" Cherry says. I rear up nickering then nibble on his ear. " Okay so if you're half human I'll have to wait to see you?" He asks patting my nose. I nodded. " I have to go I'll see you tomorrow" he smiles kissing my star.

@ In the morning@

I wake and I'm laying down that's not like me. I sleep standing up all the time. " MOM!" I hear Max yell. " Yes sweetie?" She answers. " I'm going out with Fox." He tells her." I'm going out there too, the pack Is going to wake up soon so the house will be wild." She giggles they both come out of the house. Max holding the neon blue thingy the goes on my head. I stand up frantically. " It's ok girl it's just a halter." He says opening the gate to the pasture. I walk up to him. We walk back in the barn and he ties me to a post. When he comes back he's hold i think it's called a saddle and he has brushes. " Ok this is a saddle pad, saddle, and bridle." He explains to me. I nicker. He picks up a brush and drags a brush along my back and down my belly. Then he goes under my tail so I kick out and hit his leg." Ow really calm down!" He yells laughing. There's other pack members laughing too. I see the pack is awake and some of them were watching. " Wow i'm an alpha being laugh at by my own pack be cause of you." He mumbles madly. He puts the bush down." Everyone move on with your chores!" He yells in his Alpha's voice. Startling me. Everyone starts back to what they were doing.

After he bushes me out he tries to saddle me. I keep moving, I get him so worked up he hits my butt making my jump forward. I put my head down and pout. " You made me do it." He mumbles throwing the saddle on. He grabs something under my belly and pulls it tight. " I'm not riding you to day but I will soon." he tells me. " You want to give me an Idea of when I get to meet you?" He asks leaning against the post." I love to now but that the only thing I can't do without Clara." Cherry wines. I look around for anything to use as time. " Please In 2 days." Cherry pleads. I agree to her and paw at the ground 2 times. " 2 minutes, hours, days?" He asks. I count what number of days and paw 4 times. " I can work with that." Max smiles taking the saddle off.

He walks me out side of the barn. I see a young filly being pulled out of a trailer. She looks scared half to death. I rear up trying to get loose out of Max's grip. I fail so I pull him with me. I get to the young filly and rear up and Max's men. They let go of the filly and I come down from the rear. Max is trying to hold on to me, as for his men, they were so mad. " Alpha are you going to let her get away with that!" One of them yells. I step to the filly and sniff her. She takes a step back afraid of me. I put my head down letting her know I will not hurt her. She walks to me and hides between my front legs. " Yes yes I am. She'll make a great mother some day." Max tells the men then walks to me and the Foal. I pin my ears back at him just to tell him not to hurt her. He nodded and petted the filly and she whinny happily." So he's good with kids." Cherry snickered. " Okay men take care of her." Max ordered them as we walk to the field.

" 2 days is all I have to wait I can do it." He whispers to him self. Oh boy.

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