6 The Black mare

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I grab his hand and run to the outside arena. One of the pack members are trying to ride a black mustang mare in the middle of it. The mare is bucking and raring. " So what is it?" Max asks. I point to the mare. " What about her?" He asks looking over there. " Stop him that mare is pregnant with that shire over there." I tell him pointing to the white mustang in the outside stalls. " WHAT?" Max yells. " Will stop with the mare and get the vet over here now!" Max yells at the man. I run to the mare and undo her saddle throwing it off of her. " It's ok girl I told you it would be fine." I say petting her face she calms down. Max run up with the vet. " Could her foal die?" I ask the vet but he just glares at me. " Dr. Peter." Max growls. " The foal should be fine." Dr. Peter mumbles. Max walks over to me. " She'll be ok. Thanks to you or this foal didn't die." He tells me hugging me from behind. " I couldn't think of a better mate then you." he whispers. Dr.Peter finished up with the mare. " They'll be fine." he says packing his stuff up leaving. " What's her name?" I ask Max. " She doesn't have one." he answered. I think look over her letting her nose. " Can I name her?" I ask looking over my shoulder at him. " Only if you let me help." he mumbles resting his head in the crook of my neck. I look up and see where the sun is. " Dawn." I say laying my head on his. " Dawn but she's black." he says. True, it's every true. " Then where did she come from?" I ask. He shrugs. " Okay when what the hell do you want to name her!" I yell laughing at him. " Midnight?" he asks. " I love it." I say letting the mare go. " Midnight is her name." I whisper. He nodded. I turn around so I'm facing him. " You look tired." I say putting my hand on his cheek. " Just a little but we should head to the house." he whispers. I nod, he wraps his arm around my waist and we walk to the house. Some of the pack stares and some glare but Max puts me closer to him. " Alpha." a guy a little younger then Max says. " Yes." Max answers. " I wanted to meet my new Luna." he smiles. " I'm Clara Max's mate." I say putting my hand out to shake it. " I'm James Max's beta." he answers shaking my hand. " Max what's-." I start but he cuts me off. " I'll tell you later." he whispers in my ear I nodded. He walks me up to his room. " A beta is someone who is well trusted by the alpha and is in second command." " he explains to me. " And the hole claiming what's that?" I ask sitting on his bed. " Your my mate when it's time for me to Claim you you'll see." he says sitting next to me. " Max please tell me." I wine jumping on him so I'm straddling him. " It will scare you." he whispers but flips us over so he's on top. " Please I won't. I'll be more scare if I don't know what's happening." I wine again. " I'll tell you tomorrow I'm tired." he says kissing me then laying next to me. " Jerk." I mumble. He chuckles and pulls me into his arms. He starts to snore lightly and I fall asleep to his heart beat.

(In the morning)
I wake and feel a hand running through my hair. I start to panic a little. " Clara it's okay it's me." I her Max whispers hugging me tightly. " I'm sorry I forgot." I say embarrassed. He smiles down at me. " Alpha your mother wants you." his beta yells through the door. " Coming!" Max groans. He gets up but I stay. " Your coming." He say looking at me putting on a shirt. " Oh okay." I answer and jump up. He laughs and throws me over his shoulder. He runs down the stairs. " Max do not drop me!" I yell giggling. We run into his mother. " Max I have a question?" She asks him. " Yea what I it." he says putting me down. " If she's a shifter then where's her smell?" she asks glaring at me. "Mom that's a question to ask her." he say looking at me, my eyes wide as I throw my hand up to my necklace. " I I- the necklace it hides my my my smell" I stutter. " Take it off." his mom growls. " Mom don't be so rude." Max defense me. I slowly go to take it of but Max walks behind me and unhooks it for me. " You'll be ok" He links with me. He fully takes it off and my smell is out in the world. I here howling all over the house. " Her smell is strong mom and sweet even if your not her mate. I feel much more then her smell" he explains to his mom. " Can I have my necklace back." I whisper holding my hand out. He puts it back in my hand. " Her smell is powerful, I will not make you reject her. I can't imagine what she's doing to you if she made all the wolf howl if their not her mate." His mother whispers. Max smiles and wraps an arm around my waist. " Then it's settled 3 weeks time Clara will take place as your Luna and completely my mate." Max say in a strong voice.

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