19 The Park, Pond, and Callie

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   It's been a few days. Max hasn't found the "doctor". He's disappear off the base of the earth. Max had his best trackers on the case. They looked all day and all night. Max wouldn't let them rest so I had to call the search off and over rule Max. Yeah I can do that! It's awesome. "Mommy!" Chase yells hugging my hips. He's really getting big fast. He might have so beta in him. He's a cute kid too. I love him to death and so does Max. "Can we go to the town and go to the park with daddy?" He asks giving me his puppy eyes. "Of course my love. Where is your daddy?" I ask my little one. He giggles and grabs my hand. He drags me to Max's office. I can feel Max's stress coming out of the room in waves. "Hey baby will you go pack a snack please?" I ask. He nods and takes off running to the kitchen. I slowly open his door. Max's face is red and scrunched together, his hands are in his hair. He looks so upset. "Hey baby." I whisper walking over to him. I slowly place my hand on his shoulder. Right when our skin touches his body relaxed. He turn his chair to face me then wrapped his arms around my waist. Placing his head in my tummy. Kissing it and breathing deeply. "Can we step away from all this please? Chase wants to go to the park in the town." I whisper running my hands through his hair. I looked at his desk. It's covered in papers, pens, and folders. Stuff I don't understand. He didn't say anything he just nodded.
About 30 minutes later we're sitting at the park watching Chase run around making new friends. He is playing with a girl. I smile at the thought of her being his mate. Little Chase growing up to be alpha and with his Luna standing by his side. The girl was very pretty for only being 6 to 8 years old. Max and I were sitting on a blanket on a field not far from the play ground. I was eating grapes. "Hey I should tell you something that I kinda forgot about over the few days. Werewolves are only pregnant for 2-4 months. But since it has my alpha blood it's only gonna take 2 months. But it's worrying me. It's been about a month and you're not tummy isn't showing much." He explains sliding his hands over my small baby bump. "Two months!" I yell looking up at him. "Is there something wrong with him," I ask panicking. "I haven't gotten morning sickness, cramps, craving or back pains!" I whisper yell. He sighs and kisses the temple on my head. "Honestly baby I don't know." He whispers. "Mommy, Daddy!" Chase yells running up to us with the girl following close behind. I smile at them. "This is Callie. Callie this is my mommy Fox and my daddy Max." He introduces us with a huge smile. "Hey Callie! Would you like a snack?" I ask her. She shyly shakes her head no and blushes. "My daddy wants me home." She whispers before running off. Chase sits down between me and Max. He picks up the grapes then started to eat them. Not everyone. But the ones that "look good". As I think it's a little odd, I see Max doing it with the blueberries. My boys are weird.
Soon after we get home Chase went to take a nap. Max was checking on the pack as I go out to the barn. Emma is with Moon. She's brushing his tail. "Hey girlie!" I call out sitting on the tack trunk. "Hi Clara!" She answers smiling. "How's this little guy?" I ask placing my hand on his soft nose. Her eyes glow and she stops brushing him. "Moon is amazing! I love him. I just winged him last week." She rambles before starting brushing him again. Nathan walks in with Lighting. "Hey baby!" He says putting Lighting In his stall. "We'll I'll let you guys be. I'll see you later." I say walking out of the barn. I see a hug pure black wolf running at my. The blue warm eyes tell me it Max. He stops in front of me and licks my hand. "Love get on. I have to show you something." I hop on his huge back as he runs through the woods. We reach a pond. He starts to walk in it in his wolf form so as he walks I take off my shirt and throw it to the bank. I'm wearing shorts so I don't mind them getting wet. He swam and swam. I splashed him here and there. He would fake dropping me off his back. "Why are you in wolf form Maxie?" I ask him rubbing behind his ear. Max purrs at my touch. "Because he's begging me to let him spend sometime with his pups before their born." Max explains. After that he gets out and softly lays on the grass so I can hop off him. I lay on the grass and Max lays his big wolf head on my tummy. He licks my tummy every once and a while.
      We head home after another minute or so. Once we get home we feed our pack then head to bed.
   I did not read over this. So I'm so sorry for any mistakes. I will read over this later but I wanted to get this chapter out so you don't have to wait any longer. I hope you understand💗

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