12 Not The End

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We enter the barn to see my brother swinging and blonde around in a hug as she laughs. He sets her down and I get a really good look at her. She's gorgeous. Light blue eyes shoulder length hair. " Clara this is my mate Emma."Nathan smiles bringing her to us. "Hey Nathan and Emma I'm Clara and this is my mate Max" I introduce us. " is this the mate that you took off for" Nathan ask smiling. " Yep" I say. Max reaches his hand out to shake their hands. Nathan kindly shakes it but Emma bows her head. " Alpha, Luna" She says. " Your almost family now call us Max and Clara" Max speaks up. " So Emma when did you meet Nathan" I ask smiling at her. " a day ago but he just now explained what's going to happen to me when he marks me" She whispers looks at him. " How do you feel about that" I ask taking her arm leaving Max and Nathan. " I mean it's great a all but I don't want to leave the pack. " What do you mean? You don't have to leave Nathan would stay if you want to" I say to her opening Midnight's stall. " Really" She ask perking up. I nodded. Of course he would she's his mate. " This is her colt. He doesn't have a name would you name him" I ask her bring the fully black horse with white spots on his legs and a moon shaped white spot on his forehead. She walks over to him and pets his face. " What are His parents names" She asks. " Midnight and Lighting" I answer. " Midnight moon And for short Moon" She says to me smiling. " Great. Now I expected you to be out here training and taking care of him" I say smirking. " Really" She asks jumping up and down. " Well yeah I mean he's yours now" I tell her. She hugs me. " Thank you" he whispers in my ear. We walk back to the guys and see them messing around. " Hey" Emma says leaning on a stall as the boys wrestle. " Hey where have you been" Max asks pecking my lips.
     " I gave Emma Midnight's colt" I tell him. He smiles. " Cool" He yells jumping up and down. " Ok Max I've always thought of you as the big bad mean Alpha ready to kill but now that I see you with Clara your different" Emma whispers. " What do you mean" I ask looking at her. Max puts his head down shaking it. " if you will excuse us" Max says grabbing my hand bring me to the garden in front of the pack house. " What happened" I ask him cocking my head. " Before I met you I was different. I was a killer everyone scared of me. I was a young alpha and the power got to my head. You came as a horse and brought back the fun young me that I was before my father died" He explained. " I was different before you" he whispers. I bring him into a tight hug. " Your different that's all that matters" I whispers in his ear. He spins me around. " Mia was nothing compared to you" he yells kissing me. I laugh. He grabs my hand bring my to a cleared spot in the garden. We sit down looking up at the clouds. " I want a family" Max says. I look at him. " What" I ask looking up at him. " After you are named Luna I want to start a family" he says smiling. " Max that would be awesome. When am I being named" I asked. " Well I marked you so anytime" he says holding me closer. " Tomorrow" I ask. I feel him smiling and chuckling. " I'll go tell my mom" He smiles. He jumps up and runs to find his mom...

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