Recruitment News

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"Bandit!" Lieutenant Daniels yelled.

You immediately stepped out of line. "Yes sir?"

The lieutenant briskly walked towards you before turning to face you. "Looks like you're being recruited into a different task force. Shepherd will have more information for you at his office. You're dismissed." He nodded his head as a small gesture to say you can leave.

You nodded and walked off towards Shepherd's office. "Wonder who I'll be assigned to next?" You asked yourself. You quietly walked up to the door and knocked on it. You bit your lip, waiting for a response.

"Come in." Shepherd said.

You opened and quietly shut the door before you stood in front of him awkwardly, waiting for him to tell you to sit.

Shepherd chuckled. "Take a seat will ya?"

You did as you were told. "So, General.. I was told I was being assigned to a different task force?"

Shepherd lit a cigar and blew the smoke away from you. "That's right. The shooting range practice the other day, you did better than anyone in your platoon. Damn good for someone your age. I decided that your skills will be more useful for Captain Price and his team."

"Thanks for the compliment, General." You smiled slightly. "But what exactly am I getting myself into with this task force?"

Shepherd leaned back in his chair for a minute, lost in thought. He hummed finally before unlocking his desk drawer. He pulled out a folder and handed it to you. "This task force was Captain Price's idea. To help out with.." He took a slow drag of his cigar. ".. the tough jobs, so to speak. Not for anyone in some ordinary platoon or regiment. Only the most skilled soldiers make it to this task force. You caught both mine and Price's eye for the force."

You looked through the folder and skimmed through a few things. "So I'll be helping taking down terrorists and ultranationalists?"

Shepherd scoffed. "That's not all you'll be doing. You'll be going on missions too, dealing with cartels, different enemies, going behind enemy lines.. whole bunch of stuff. I think 141 will fit you just fine."

"Yes sir." You nodded hesitantly. "I've been assigned to many different task forces, General. Sir, as happy as I am for this opportunity, I wouldn't want to-"

"Bandit, Price and I personally picked you for 141. You've shown you're capable for being a part of the force. I don't want you to try and be humble. Price wants you for his team, and I'm not going to deny him that."

You held your tongue and nodded. "Sir, am I being deployed to a different base today?"

Shepherd took another drag from his cigar before speaking up. "Yeah. Price wants you at their base ASAP. You'll be deployed to Mexico. Get a move on now. Go back to your barracks and pack everything. Be ready on the runway in half an hour."

You nodded. "Yes sir."

Shepherd took one last drag. "Bandit, I know you'll do good in the force. Don't second guess your skills. I know I aure as hell don't."

You smiled slightly. "I won't sir. Thank you." You walked out of his office and quickly jogged back to your barracks.

"Getting reassigned already, Bandit?"

You looked up to see a smug smile start to spread on the young soldier's face in front of you. "Wipe that damned smile off your face, Dallas."

Dally sat on the edge of your bed, the same smug smile you had seen many times before still plastered on his face. "Heard you were getting reassigned to a Taskforce 141?"

You scoffed softly, continuing to pack your uniforms into your duffel bag. "Wow, who told you that one, Dal?" You said sarcastically.

Dallas rolled his eyes at the sarcastic remark. "I knew a few days ago. Captain Price was giving you lots of props when we were doing target practice. I kinda wish you were stayin' in this task force."

You chuckled. "I wish. I don't think Shepherd would've taken my no as an answer. He was adamant that I join 141."

Dallas sighed. "Of course he was. You know he definitely has a temper."

You scoffed in response. "Yeah, he's definitely a hot head." You finished packing everything before putting the strapof the duffel bag on your shoulder. "I have to leave in about few minutes. I'm leaving for Mexico tonight apparently."

Dallas whistled in response.  "Mexico?? That's so far away... sure you can handle it?"

You smiled. "Of course I can handle it. If it makes you feel better, I can write you. I pronise."

You held out your pinky as your eyes scanned his face. You knew Dallas wanted nothing more than to stay with you for as long as he could. You joined together and were assigned to different bases over the years. He was only trying to play off how hurt he was feeling from you leaving.

Dallas smiled softly and raised his hand up. "As long as you're true to your word." He hooked his pinky with yours.

"Dallas! Stop flirting with her!" Daniels yelled. "She's got a flight to catch. Get to it L/N or we'll leave you here!"

"C'mon, Dally. You can walk me to the tarmac for my flight."

Dallas grabbed your hand and walked past the other soldiers laughing at the Lieutenant calling the him out. "I was not flirting!"

You rolled your eyes. "I think that couldn't have been more obvious." You chuckled softly as you walked towards the airplane that would bring you to Mexico.

After a few minutes of silence, Dallas spoke up just as the landing opened. "Uh... Good luck, Y/N." He said as he stuck his hand out.

You shook his hand as you looked up at him. "I'm sure I'll see you again, Dal." You said.

"Well, you better get on your way." He smiled down at you as he let go of your hand.

You walked up the ramp and turned back around to wave at Dallas one last time before they pulled the ramp up.


You stretched out and yawned as the plane landed on the runway. You rubbed your eyes, realizing you must have fallen asleep at some point during the flight. You stood up and grabbed your duffel as the ramp was lowered. You groggily walked down the ramp. As soon as you steadied yourself, you were met with a deep, husky voice.

"You must be Bandit, eh?" The voice asked.

You squinted in the darkness. "Uh.. yes sir?"

The voice chuckled. "You sound unsure of yourself."

You bit back a laugh because you knew it was obviously true. Your mind was still a bit foggy with how tired you were. "I'm just not sure who I'm talking to."

Captain Price stepped into view. "You must be experiencing a bit of jet lag." He grinned and held out his hand. "Captain John Price. Nice to meet our newest recruit."

You returned the grin and shook his hand. "Sergeant L/N. Nice to meet you, Captain Price."

Word Count: 1228

New Recruit (Call of Duty MW) [Female Reader]Where stories live. Discover now