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Jose bolted up the stairs. "Captain!" He yelled.

Price stuck his head out of his room. "What is it?"

"They're moving the missile tonight! They're not moving it to Kenya. You don't have much time until they move it. You guys need to hurry up!" He said in between breaths.

"Right." Price nodded and went to Gaz, Soap, and Ghost's room first. "Hey, you lot!"

Ghost looked up from a book he was reading.

Soap and Gaz were passed out on their beds.

"Wake up!" Price yelled.

Gaz and Soap rolled over and fell off their beds at Prices yelling.

"Jesus Christ!" Soap yelled. "Where the hell's the fire, Captain?"

"We have to get a move on! They're moving that missile tonight! Get your asses in gear!" Price sprinted to the next room and pounded on the door. "Alejandro!"

Rudy came rushing to the door. "Sorry, he's asleep. What's wrong, Captain?"

"They're moving that fucking missile tonight. We need to leave, ASAP!"

Rudy nodded. "Alright, I'll tell the other two!" He ran over to your side of the beds that had been pushed together. "Y/N! Alejandro!"

Alejandro grunted softly. "What is it this time, Rodolfo?"

"Price says they're moving the missile tonight. You two need to get up so we can leave!"

Alejandro's eyes shot open as he sat up. "Fuck." He started to shake you awake. "C'mon, Bandit! Wake up!"

"Alright, I'm awake. I heard Rudy." You said as you rubbed your eyes.


"Right. We need to get in and out, quickly." Price said.

"Which means we have to stay frosty and quiet." Graves glanced over at Soap and Gaz.

"It's him that's never quiet." Gaz and Soap said in unison, as they pointed at each other.

"Anywho.." You started to say. "We don't need to be compromised. So we need to watch our backs at this place. Clear?"



"Captain Price, we'll be landing near the warehouse in 30 seconds." The pilot said.

"Everyone get ready. Make sure your guns are loaded and for the love of God, Soap.. try not to get us compromised." Price said, glaring at Soap.

Soap threw up his hands as he pouted. "What? I don't know what you're talking about."

You hooked up and secured the rope that you would be going down on as Price gave the signal. You quickly slid down the rope and found cover quickly.

Graves, Rudy, and Alejandro followed and hid behind trees not far from where you were.

"Right, Price send the rest your group down. You're clear." Graves said.

Price and the rest of 141 quickly slid down the ropes and aimed their guns around the woods for any tangos.

"Captain, I see two tangos up ahead."

"Right. Let's move up." You said. The grip on your gun tightened as you quickly and quietly maneuvered through the thick brush.

You aimed your gun at one of the two soldiers who stood by the door that lead to the security room. "On your mark, Captain."

"Three.. two.. one.. drop em." Price whispered.

New Recruit (Call of Duty MW) [Female Reader]Where stories live. Discover now