It Can't Get Any Worse Can It?

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"Bandit..?" Alejandro whispered.

"Right here, Ale." You sat up and looked at him. "What do you need?"

"Price wanted to see if you got anything from Val."

"Let me guess, I have to go talk to him." You sighed.

"Yeah. I mean Rudy and I can go with you."

"Nah. I can go by myself. I'm my own woman, but thanks for the offer." You smiled up at him as you walked past him.

Alejandro blushed slightly as he rubbed his face. "I have to learn to hide my feelings better."

"I'll say." Rudy laughed softly. "Listen, you're gonna tell her eventually. Maybe when things are a little less tense."

"I guess you're right, Rudy." Alejandro said, as he watched you walk to Price's makeshift office.

"How about you stop making goo-goo eyes at the girl, Vargas, focus on the mission at hand?" Graves said, appearing out of seemingly nowhere.

Graves and Soap both groaned in annoyance. "Here comes the never ending lectures.." Soap whispered to Ghost who just shook his head at Graves.


You knocked on Price's door.

"Come in." He yelled.

You nervously opened and shut the door.

"So, how was that little idea of yours?" Price asked as he lit a cigar.

"It worked. I mean I.. was really.. hard on her." You mumbled, starting to feel bad for your actions but then remembering the shit she gave you in the past. "I got her to crack. The second missile, she said was in Russia."

"Fuck." Price mumbled. "Another god damn headache. Regardless good work. However, there is bad news to this."

You raised an eyebrow ever so slightly. "Ok.. lay it on me."

"Shepherd wants us to.. split up for this mission."

"When has splitting up ever got anyone into anything good?" You said, starting to get a little agitated at the fact Shepherd was a bit reckless with the lack of planning.

"Oh, believe me, it gets worse. But only for you." Price mumbled.

"For me? Who the hell am I being paired up with?"


You laughed in shock. "You're fucking kidding me!"

Price rolled his eyes and shook his head. "Shepherd requested you work with Graves on this one."

"Then where the fuck will everyone else be? Rudy, Ale? Ghost, Gaz, and Soap?"

"It's nice of you to mention me on your list of people you'd rather be with." Gaz said, a smug smile plastered on his face as he walked into the room.

"You're a better option than Phillip!" You said, glancing at Gaz before looking back at Captain Price. "Price if you want this mission done and done right, send me and not him." You said, looking Price straight in the eyes as you spoke.

"Listen, Y/N. I'm speaking as your Captain now. You need to work with him on this mission. I'm not thrilled about it either. Believe me. We have to go find Intel on the missiles somewhere else, while you and Graves go and actually find the missiles and disarm them or whatever Shepherd orders you two to do."

You sighed in annoyance before nodding. "Yes sir. If he screws up, he's getting left behind."

Price chuckled softly. "As long as you complete the mission, it's fine with me."

Gaz stood up and looked at Price. "What about Valeria, sir?"

Price blew the smoke from his cigar away from the two of them. "Shit.. she can't be with us. She'll have to be in the heli with the Shadows as Y/N and Graves go on their mission."

Gaz held back his laughter. "Now you'll deal with two people you don't like."

"I feel like you're doing this on purpose." You narrowed your eyes at Price playfully.

Price scoffed. "Please. If there was any other way for the mission to go smoother for you, I'd go with that. But we can't have her with us. Too risky. The Shadows can babysit her in the heli."

"How wonderful." You stood up and sighed. "Am I dismissed sir?"

Price nodded. "Yup. Oh by the way, you guys go bright and early tomorrow. So you need to be up by 6 and be gone by 8."

You rolled your eyes. "Thanks for that, Captain. I'll be on my way."

Graves walked into Captain Price's office as you walked out. "I'm sure we'll make quite the team, Y/N." Graves said, as he raised his eyebrow at you.


Quick A/N: I accidentally published the chapter oops but obviously this time is for real (my bad). But this is short and sweet. Sorry for the lack of updating. I'll update as much as I can before I go off to college! <33

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