Caught Off Guard

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"So, why are we stationed in Mexico again, Captain?" You asked as you leaned into the chair you were sitting in.

"Thought Shepherd told you." Price replied, sounding a little confused.

"No..? He said what I'd be dealing with, not what my first mission was."

"Well, recently we've found out that Hassan is extremely close with a Mexican cartel in Las Almas. The little ring leader of the cartel has planted different missiles across the world, hell possibly even the states. We don't have time to waste. So tomorrow, we're gonna go straight into the cartel house."

You spit out your water you were drinking. After a small coughing fit, you finally spoke. "Captain Price, no offense, but that seems reckless. Do you have Intel that knows where the cartel house is?"

Price chuckled softly. "Sometimes we have to be reckless. And to answer your question, yes we do. It won't just be us at that cartel house, we've teamed up with Mexican Special Forces to get the job done."

"That makes me feel a bit better. So we're taking the leader of the cartel as a hostage, correct?"

Price nodded. "Yup. Also, since we're gonna have eyes in the sky for a quick exfil, we've also teamed up with Shepherd's shadow team."

"Shadow team, huh?" You mumbled.

"Got someone you know that's a shadow?" Price asked.

"Unfortunately." You replied, quickly taking another sip of water. "But we have to get the job done somehow."

"Right. Anywho, we have to be ready by tomorrow night. So, get as much rest as you can. You'll need to run through a few drills before tomorrow night."

You stood up and stretched. "Alright, Captain. I'll see myself out."

Price grabbed your shoulder suddenly. "Well.. about that. I should walk you to your barracks."

"Why? I'm capable-"

Price cut you off. "Believe me, I know you're capable. But since this is a Mexican Special Force's base, we're short on barracks for 141."


After a long walk in silence, Price knocked on the door to your barracks. "You got a new recruit!" He shouted.

"Just a sec!" A voice yelled.

There was shuffling around in the room and then silence. It was short lived. You heard footsteps come towards the door and opened it. "Yes, Captain?"

"I hope you boys are decent. I have no where else for her to sleep tonight. I have to talk to Alejandro tomorrow. Until then, she's gonna sleep in here."

"She??" A voice asked from inside.

"Oh my God, Soap. Let her in. We're decent." Another voice said.

The person at the door opened it for Price and you and shut it immediately after you two were inside.

Price looked around the room. "Alright you lot! Listen up. Our newest recruit is here and yes, Soap, she's a woman." He shot Soap a look.

Soap sank down in his bed in embarrassment. "I didn't mean it like that.." He whispered sheepishly.

"Anyway.." Price looked at the other two men in the room. "I expect all of you to treat her with respect. Until I can get her her own barrack, she'll have to stay here with you guys. I don't want any funny business from you two." Price shot a look at both Gaz and Soap.

New Recruit (Call of Duty MW) [Female Reader]Where stories live. Discover now