El Sin Nombre

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"Here's the plan." Price started to say. "Soap and Ghost will be snipers on the entrance and back of the cartel house. Y/N, you and Alejandro will go into the house. We have to find out who El Sin Nombre is so we can take 'em out. Graves, you'll provide an overwatch in a heli just in case something happens and as a quick exfil once we have El Sin Nombre."

Graves nodded. "Got it. Since Y/N is gonna act as bait," He took off his Shadow Company patch off the sleeve of his uniform, "you're gonna need proof. Tell them the truth, but don't be a complete sellout." Graves said.

You shot him a glare. "Thanks." You ripped the Shadow Company patch out of his hand and put it in your breast pocket.

Alejandro side eyed Graves before deciding to speak. "Graves, este no es el momento de ser sarcástico, amigo." (Graves, this is not the time to be sarcastic.)

One of his Shadow's translated what Alejandro said to him in English. Graves gave him a small grin. "Sorry, I was just messing around with an old friend. Seems like she still has yet to take a joke."

Price sighed. "Let's get this mission rolling while we still have the chance."


You slowly and carefully walked up to the cartel house. As you did so, the guards outside aimed their guns at you. You held your hands up as the cartel men ran over to pat you down for any weapons before pushing you to the ground.

"What're you here for??" One of them asked.

"I've got Intel for your cartel leader, El Sin Nombre." You answered.

One of the security guards spoke to the other in Spanish, carrying a small conversation before one of them said in English: "Alright. Let's take her in.." One guard yelled in your ear. "Get up!"

You immediately got up and tried to play it cool as they put a pillow case over your head. They both pushed you into the entrance.

"Ghost, you've got a visual on Bandit, right?"

"I've got eyes on her." Ghost replied back, zooming his scope in on you and the guards.

"10-4, remember, don't shoot unless shit hits the fan. That goes for you too, Soap. You copy?" Price said.

"Copy that, Captain." Soap replied.

"Out here." Price responded.

While in the house, they pushed you into the elevator with another guard. They spoke to him in Spanish as he took the pillow case off your head. Soon, the elevator closed. As it did, you sighed in relief before you heard a familiar voice. "Bandit..?" Alejandro whispered.

Your eyes fluttered open to see Alejandro in a grey ski mask. "Ale? I thought-"

"I wasn't gonna let you go up against these cartel men alone, chica. I've got your back." He lifted up his mask to give you a small smile before he put it back down again. "Listen close.. you need to be careful with how you answer questions. Try not to make yourself seem suspicious. And.." He hesitated slightly.

You raised an eyebrow in curiosity as to what he might say. "Go on, Alejandro."

"You need to watch your tone. Remember, these cartel men and women are not Graves. You have to compose yourself and keep your temper in check. Okay?"

You nodded as the elevator dinged. You had reached the floor where they would interrogate you.

As the elevator doors opened, Alejandro went behind you and gave you a small push, signaling you to get out.

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