No One Is Left Behind

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"Can you see us?" One of the Shadows asked, setting up the computer.

"Yep. We can see you. What about her?" Graves asked.

"She's here with us." One shadow stepped aside for Graves to see Valeria still sitting in her chair.

"Hola, chico." She spat. "¿Dónde está Bandit?" (Where is Bandit?) She asked, leaning forward in her chair to get a better look of who was on the screen.

"Val, we need your help." Rudy said, turning the screen towards him.

"¿Mi ayuda?" She asked, tilting her head to the side. "¿Por qué demonios necesitas mi ayuda, Rodolfo?" (My help? Why the hell would you need my help?)

Ghost looked unamused. "Stop fucking about." He said, his voice a little raspy from the yelling he did at the warehouse.

"¿Por qué?" She asked again. (Why?)

"¡Porque el cártel guatemalteco capturó a Bandit, vale!" Alejandro blurted out. (Because the Guatemalan cartel captured Bandit, okay!) "¡Necesitamos tu ayuda para recuperarla antes de que la maten!" (We need your help to get her back before they fucking kill her!)

"What?!" Valeria yelled. "How could you let her be fucking captured, you idiots!" She stormed over to the computer and pushed the two shadows away from it and yelled at Graves. "This is probably your fault!"

"It's nobody's fucking fault!" Alejandro yelled. "We know where the missile's heading and just in case, we put a tracker on it. We have more important and pressing shit to worry about: Bandit got shot twice. We don't have time to waste."

"We're already taking a huge risk asking for your help." Ghost said coldly.

"So tell us what you know about the Guatemalan cartel. I want every. fucking. detail." Price said through gritted teeth.

The two Shadows pushed Valeria down to her chair before she answered. "The leader of the cartel is named Cedro. Name sound familiar?" She asked, looking at Alejandro and Rudy.

Rudy glanced over at Alejandro. "Yeah." He mumbled.

"Another traitor." Alejandro rolled his eyes.

"He's ruthless. His cartel has been known to kill and ask questions later, like any other cartel. But since it's Bandit, she might be spared. Only for a little while." She said, starting to get lost in thought.

"If we want her back, we'll need her to get us in and out, Captain." Gaz said, glancing over at Price.

"That's way too risky!" Graves said.

"It seems to be our only option until we get Bandit back." Soap said.

Valeria smirked slightly. "I agree. I know the in's and out's of Cedro's cartel house. I know where he keeps his enemies. You'll be running in circles trying to find her. Your little rescue mission is pointless without my help, chicos."

"Is there any other way than this?" Graves asked.

"I don't think so." Soap replied, glancing over at Price.

"We need her to help us get Bandit back. We don't have a choice. We need her down here, ASAP." Price said, looking at the two shadows.

"Tomó una decisión maravillosa, Captain Price." Valeria said as she smirked. (You made a wonderful decision.)

Graves sighed softly before glancing into the screen. "Get her on a plane now. We don't have time to waste." He gave them a nod before closing the computer.


6 hours later..

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