On the Run

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4 days later...

"Hey, Lucian. Where's 141?" Rudy asked. "I thought it would be an easy mission."

Lucian chuckled softly as he opened Graves' laptop. "Well, it was fairly easy. They completed their initial mission, however, they decided to surprise Hassan's friend in Germany. They found out he's got more weapons that they need to stop from being put in the wrong hands. They should be back in about two days." He pushed the laptop towards Rudy.

"Graves had me track them. Just in case they were compromised." He said.

Rudy nodded, impressed with Lucian's cautiousness. "Well is Bandit doing okay?"

He gave a firm nod. "Yeah. I've had her do some easy training to strengthen her legs. Her burns have healed up like they're supposed to. Her cuts and bruises are healing too. The only thing I'm worried about is the more severe burn on her leg."

"You haven't gone over board with your training with her have you?"

Lucian scoffed. "Of course not. I've been lenient with her so she doesn't over do it."

You and Max walked out of your room to the kitchen.


"I'm getting some medicine for a headache, Lucian. I'm fine. Stop getting so worked up." You said. "You act like I'm not gonna live to see another day."

From the next room over, Jose and Alejandro were interrogating Valeria.

"Okay, Val. No more games. We want answers." Jose said. "Where's the second missile?"

Rudy and Lucian exchanged a look after hearing Jose's question. Both walked into the room and picked a spot to stand in.

Valeria scoffed at his attempt to be intimidating. "Calm down chico, you're scaring me."

Alejandro rolled his eyes. "God damnit, stop being stubborn."

Valeria turned her attention towards him. "Stubborn? You wanna talk about fucking stubborn, let's go there."

"I don't think that's a good idea-" Rudy started to say.

"Shut your mouth, Rudy. It's a great fucking idea." She said, putting her hand up to silence him.

"You men always seem to have your heads so far up your own asses, it's not even funny. Guess that's one thing you got out of being under Arturo's command huh, Alejandro? Your stubbornness and your inflated ego."

Jose awkwardly looked over his shoulder to Alejandro.

"Seriously? I'm the stubborn one? What about when you insisted I was replacing you with Y/N, huh? Stop trying to make the past relevant!" Alejandro yelled.

"Oh, but our past is relevant." She replied, a smirk starting to form on her face. "See, when Arturo constantly belittled the women, I took that opportunity to become more than what he was going to make me. Now look at you. You're begging me for help to find your damn missiles."

Jose perked up when he heard some frantic knocking at the door.

All three men glanced at each other before Jose went to open the door.

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