Two Stubborn Soldiers

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"My name is Sergeant L/N and my colleague to the left of me is Sergeant Dallas. We are here to teach you how to become an elite force so you can protect your loved ones, yourself, and most importantly, your country." Your eyes scanned across the many faces whose eyes were glued to yours. ¡Quiero voluntarios!" You yelled. (I want volunteers.)

Surprisingly, Valeria was the first to push her way to the front. "I'll go."

Your eyes narrowed as you looked at her up and down. "De acuerdo. ¡Necesito tres voluntarios más!" (Alright. I need three more volunteers!)

Alejandro and Rudy stepped forward as well, along with the last volunteer. You could feel Valeria stared a hole right through you as you took a step towards the them. "You volunteers will be sparring against me and my soldiers. Show us what you got! Who wants to go first?" You turned towards your soldiers.

Dallas stepped up first and saluted you. "I will, Sergeant."

You chuckled softly before looking back towards the volunteers. "Which one of you wants to spar with Dallas?"

Alejandro glanced around at the people standing beside him before stepping forward. "I will."

"Perfect. Sergeant Dallas, get into a fighting position! My soldiers, back up!" You motioned your soldiers to give Alejandro and Dally some room to fight. "Now, the reason for this training is for us to see how you guys have been trained and for you to watch how we fight back!" You turned your back to the other set of soldiers. "Alright, Sergeant! Hope you're ready! Begin!"

Dally struck first. He punched Alejandro square in the face. Then, he quickly kicked him in the stomach as he was stunned. Dally swept Alejandro's weak leg and pinned him to the ground. "I win!" Dally grinned at him.

"Nice work, Dally!" You smiled.

Dally dusted himself off and helped Alejandro to his feet. "You alright? I didn't mean to hurt you too bad."

Alejandro wiped the blood running from his nose. "No, I'm fine! You did really good! You've got fast reflexes!"

Dally grinned. "Aw.. thanks. I mean I learned from the best." He looked over at you and gave you a thumbs up before falling back in line.

You walked up to Alejandro. "You alright? Dally's punches are always on target and they hurt like a bitch." You cupped Alejandro's cheeks to check to see if his nose was broken. "It doesn't seem to look crooked or broken. It looks like a bad bloody nose." You took a few steps back. "You sure you're okay, Lieutenant?"

Alejandro smiled down at you. "I'm fine, Sergeant. Promise. Thanks for taking the time out of your busy schedule to worry about me."

"Yeah, yeah." You gave him a firm nod. Your eyes seemed to wander to Valeria.

She returned your stare. Her eyes followed your every move after you took your eyes off her.

"Alright. Let's make this go faster." You turned towards your soldiers and walked in front of one of the men. "Sergeant Leo, you'll be next."

Leo nodded as he rolled up his sleeves. "Yes, ma'am!" He planted his feet where Dallas was last.

You walked over to the volunteers. "Now what you saw was weeks upon weeks of training. Dallas was not always so quick and agile! If you are ever in a situation where you feel threatened, stunning your enemy and making good use of the fighting skills you have will save your ass on the field when it comes to hand-to-hand combat! Sergeant Dallas, I say again, nice work!" You glanced over at him to see him beaming at you. "That being said, who would like to spar with Sergeant Leo?"

Rudy sighed quietly. He stepped out of line and turned towards you. "I will."

You gave him a reassuring smile. "You'll do just fine, Rudy."

New Recruit (Call of Duty MW) [Female Reader]Where stories live. Discover now