What Lurks in the Woods

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"Have you ever trained a military dog before, Bandit?" Jose asked.

Your eyes darted around the dark shadows of the trees, making sure there was no one near by.

"No. Shepherd never thought to teach me that. I just hope he understands what I try and tell him if we run into Cedro's soldiers." You replied.

As you and your team went deeper into the woods, you couldn't shake the feeling that you and your team were being watched. However, you couldn't see anyone suspicious, but your gut told you there were soldiers here that were yet to be found.

Max was a little ahead of you and Alejandro, since you both were leading. Max stopped in his tracks as his ears moved towards the sound of twigs cracking and leaves crunching.

Alejandro put his hand up, signaling the rest of them to stop.

Max bared his teeth and started growling as he slowly walked in the direction of the sounds.

Lucian dragged Valeria behind a tree to take cover. He continued to scan the other side of the woods for any incoming enemies.

Jose tossed a couple of grenades to you, Alejandro, and Rudy. He then turned to his two soldiers and whispered: "A mi señal, dispara." (On my signal, shoot.)

Alejandro nodded towards you and Rudy, signaling you to throw one grenade out into the woods.

As soon as it went off, Cedro's soldiers came out from behind their hiding spots.

"¡Comprueba tus tiros! ¡No dispares al perro!" Jose yelled. (Check your shots! Don't shoot the dog!)

Max took the nearest soldier down. He jumped up on the enemy and bit and ripped at his skin.

You aimed your sniper at the enemies that popped out of their hiding spots while Alejandro and Rudy shot at the soldiers that were closest to the group.

Max had taken down 4 other soldiers before running back towards the group.

"Is that all of them, Max?" You panted.

Max glanced back at the sight of the dead soldiers before looking back up and wagging his tail.

You gave him a small treat from your pocket. "Good boy. Let's keep moving."

After an hour of no sign of any soldiers, Alejandro stopped you from going any further. "I don't think we should go any further."

"Why not? We're not that far from the base, Ale." You said, trying not to snap at him.

"They could have set up traps." Jose said.

Valeria rolled her eyes. "How nice of you to use your brain today, chico."

"Damn it Val, keep your mouth shut for one fucking second!" You whisper yelled. You took a few careful steps towards the leaf-covered path in the woods.

You tossed a medium-sized twig in the middle of the path. When you did, a bear trap snapped it in half. "You're right. We're gonna have to go around it."

Max perked his head up as his ears moved ever so slightly in different directions.

"Shit. We have to get to that base, quickly. C'mon." Alejandro grabbed your hand and lead the group around the traps.

Max walked on ahead and sniffed the ground.

After a few minutes of walking around the set of bear traps, Max growled at the soldiers ahead.

"Watch it!" You whispered, pushing Alejandro up against a tree.

Alejandro was taken by surprise when you pushed him. Thankfully, with how dark it was, no one could really see how red his face has gotten.

"What do we do?" Rudy asked.

"Observe." You replied quietly. "Max, here."

Max quietly walked over to your side.

"Lucian, I need you to take Val on the other side of the path. Jose, I need you to take point. Just go up about 5 feet. You guys can get a closer look than we can from where we are. Alejandro, Rudy, and I can provide the gun fire."

Jose nodded and spoke in Spanish to his two soldiers as they carefully and quietly maneuvered through the thick brush.

You aimed your sniper at one soldier as Alejandro finally snapped out of his shock and also aimed his sniper at the other soldiers.

"They're Guatemalan soldiers." You mumbled.

"The base must not be too far from here." Alejandro replied.

"What do we do?" Rudy asked.

Jose and his soldiers were the first to come out with their hands up.

Jose kicked his gun to the side as sign he had no intention of hurting the soldiers.

The Guatemalan soldiers aimed their guns at them as they searched him.

One of those soldiers recognized him and told the others to put their guns down in Spanish.

You and the others carefully came out from your hiding spots, holding your hands up as you put your guns down on the ground.

"¿Están contigo, Jose?" One of the soldiers asked. (Are they with you, Jose?)

"Sí señor, están conmigo." Jose replied calmly. (Yes sir, they're with me.)

The same soldier held his hand out to Jose. "Los sacaremos de aquí. No es seguro con los soldados de Cedro apareciendo de la nada." (We will get you guys out of here. It's not safe with Cedro's soldiers popping out of nowhere.)

Gunshots could be heard in the distance.

The soldiers yelled at all of you to follow them and to not return the fire.

After running for about 10 minutes, you and the others were finally at the military base.

"Jesucristo, ¿podemos tener un respiro?" Alejandro panted. (Jesus Christ, can we catch a break?)


Word Count: 924

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