"Friendly" Reunion

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"How do you three know her?" Graves asked, his eyes lingering on you for a moment before his eyes darted towards Alejandro and Rudy.

"She was in the Special Forces with us." You replied, staring daggers at her.

"She's a traitor to the Mexican army!" Alejandro bellowed.

Rudy nudged his side, signaling him to try and calm down.

Valeria smirked up at the three of you. "Traitor? I like to call it... finding my own potential. The force was only restricting that potential. Besides, you and your Vaqueros are MEN. Hardly any women. That's how it seems to work here. Men are seen as the strong fucking saviors while women don't stand a chance and follow your stupid orders!" Valeria's eyes darted towards you. "Isn't that right, Y/N?"

Your expression hardened. "What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"

"Look around you, chica! You are in a task force with mostly men! You are the only fucking woman on your force! I chose to make my own fucking path and not stay with the pathetic excuse for an army! You have so much going for you.. yet you choose to stay where men will always get the better end of the stick." She said, looking at you up and down. "And I know you know it."

Price, Ghost, Gaz, and Soap stood awkwardly behind you, not wanting to say anything that might get you upset.

"I know my fucking potential, Val! That's why I'm on this force. You had so much potential! My god, you were the best god damn soldier I TRAINED! And I WAS ONLY 18! You used what I taught you to start up a fucking drug ring?!" You yelled. "I saw something in you, in fact, I saw myself in you! I was so young when I met you, Valeria. I thought, if I could at least train you, make you something worth while, and show the men of the Special Forces that you're worth being in command, that I would have done something right. I would have something to be proud of. You're right, men here get all the fucking kudos. I saw that when the major at the time gave all the fucking credit to Alejandro instead of me when I was the one training his soldiers. I know what that feels like. You struggled with that long before I came to Las Almas. Now look at you.. a fucking drug lord."

Rudy frowned slightly and pulled you back to your spot. "Lo siento.." He whispered into your ear. (I'm sorry.)

Ghost glanced over at Price before stepping forward. His eyes narrowed slightly as he made eye contact with Valeria. "We know you and Hassan are close friends. You have missiles. We want them. Now."

Valeria's straight face turned into a small smirk. "I don't take orders from any man anymore, chico. You better watch your tone when you speak to me."

You sighed angrily. "God damn it, Val. Fuckin' tell us where the missiles are! None of us have time for your stupid games!"

"Ay, Dios mío... what a foul mouthed chica you are." Valeria gave you that same smirk she gave you when you were first introduced to her way back when you were first starting out in the military.

Alejandro stood in front of you. "Start talking. Cut the bullshit!"

She glanced behind Alejandro before she chuckled. "Ay, you wanna play the hero now, huh, Alejandro?"

"Where are the missiles?" Price asked impatiently. "Quit playing fucking games!"

Valeria looked up at Price. "Alright, old man. You want your fuckin' missiles? Mine and Hassan's men moved a missile three days ago. I was told today that the missile is in Guatemala before it heads to Africa. Kenya to be exact. They plan to move the missile in two days time from Guatemala to Kenya. So you better get going."

Her eyes wandered across every man's face until finally stopping when she made eye contact with you. "Go off with your men and try to come back in one piece, chica." She said, her playful smirk turning into a serious expression.

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