Two Admirers

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"You've gone soft."

Cállate la boca! ¡No lo he hecho!" (Shut the fuck up! No I haven't!)

"¡Saca la cabeza del culo y céntrate en el nombre que te has hecho!" (Get your head out of your ass and focus on the name you made for yourself!)

"¿Enamorado de una chica? Se suponía que odiabas a esta chica... ¿ahora te gusta?" (Head over heels for a girl? You were supposed to hate this girl.. now you like her?)

"¡Eres un capo de la droga! ¡Actúa como tal!" (You are a drug lord! Act like one!)

Valeria sat straight up after opening her eyes. "Jesus fucking Christ..." She rubbed her eyes before glancing to her side.

Rudy was sat on the other side of the couch before locking eyes with her. "You ok?"

"Peachy." She replied coldly.

Rudy's eyebrows furrowed in slight annoyance. "What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing! Nothing at all!" She snapped back. "Mind your business."

Rudy just rolled his eyes at her.

Jose came downstairs with Alejandro. He took one look at the already hostile woman in the far corner of the living room before turning to whisper to Alejandro. "What's up with her?"

Alejandro shrugged. "She's mad about something, probably."

"Yeah." Rudy replied. "Something's pissed her off but it's obvious she doesn't want to talk about it."

"Aren't you two a couple?" Jose asked, pointing towards Valeria and Alejandro.

Valeria looked up and immediately glared at the men. "Alejandro and I are not a couple!"

"We broke up four years ago. We haven't been with each other since she decided to run off and profit off drugs for a living." Alejandro said, returning the glare.

"Ale?" You asked, poking your head out of the doorway.

Alejandro quickly walked over to the door. "Yes?" He responded.

"Could you make me something to eat? I was gonna do it myself, but-"

Alejandro and Rudy cut you off. "We can make you something." They said in perfect unison.

"Chica, you need to be resting. You don't want to make the burn on your leg worse." Jose said, ushering you back inside your room.

"Why can't she make food for herself?" Valeria asked. "You act like she's not going to live to see another day."

Jose mocked her under his breath. "Don't listen to her. Something's made her mad and she's taking it out on everyone else."

You tilted your head slightly. "Oh." You glanced at Alejandro and Rudy. "What did you two do?"

"Nothing!" Rudy said. "She practically woke up in a bad mood!"

"I was upstairs with Jose." Alejandro replied. "I knew if I stayed down here, we'd argue about something stupid."

Jose cleared his throat as he gave the two of them a look. "What matters is that we get Y/N something to eat."

Max jumped down from the bed and ran over to the front door.

"..And take the dog out." Jose added.

"Uh, Ale, I'll take Max outside. You can make her some lunch." Rudy walked to the front door, unlocked all the locks, and opened it only for Max to run out and find a place.

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