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You were on your phone listening to music and texting a few friends back. The room was pretty much silent. Soap and Ghost were still embarrassed about the incident earlier.

Well, Soap was more embarrassed than Ghost at that point.

Gaz, fed up with the already awkward tension, spoke up first. "Hey, how about we play a game of cards or uno? I got a deck of uno cards in my bag."

Soap immediately agreed. "Sure! I'll play. Si, what about you?"

Ghost shrugged as his gaze fell on to you. "I don't mind."

You immediately felt your face get hot from Ghost's intimidating stare. You took out one earbud and glanced at Gaz. "Hey, I wouldn't mind playing Uno either. If that's okay."

Gaz gave you a soft smile. "Of course." He rummaged through his bag and pulled out a deck. "Be prepared for Soap to cheat. Cheeky bastard always tries to sneak a peek at the cards." Gaz said as you walked over to his bed.

Soap stuck his tongue out at him. "You're just mad I actually win."

Ghost sat beside you on Gaz's bed.

You immediately felt the urge to look at him. As tempting as the urge was, you tried not to give in. This was as close as you had gotten to the mysterious masked man.

"So where you from, Bandit?" Soap elbowed Gaz as he was starting to shuffle the cards.

"Oh, I'm from the states. More specifically (insert the state or wherever else you're from)." You said, watching Gaz's expert shuffling skills.

"Interesting." Soap replied. "Where were you stationed last?"

"France. I was told 3 weeks ago that I was gonna be stationed back in Iran because of the movement of drugs and deadly weapons across the border." You replied, taking the cards Gaz had given you.

"You must've seen a lot of shit there, huh?" Gaz said. "I had a friend in Iran for 10 years. It was extremely dangerous with certain cartels in certain areas."

"Yeah. I can safely say there were many times where I told my mom and two brothers I probably wasn't coming home in one piece because of how dangerous it got sometimes." You said.

"But you've got tough skin." Ghost said after a quick few seconds of silence.

You looked up at him to see him staring at you again. This time, however, his stare was much less intimidating. It was more of a sympathetic, soft stare. "Thank you. We've all got tough skin to be in this task force." You gave him a small smile.

Ghost looked away as you smiled at him. He only grunted in response.

"That's for bloody sure." Gaz replied. "Soap, your go."

Soap put a blue uno reverse card out of his small deck of cards. "Your turn again, Gaz."

He had a playful smirk on his face as he placed a "draw 2" card on the other deck. "Sorry, Bandit. I'm not willing to lose to Soap this time."

You glared at Gaz. "So much for sticking together.." You drew two more cards out of the deck and put down a blue "draw 2" card. "Sorry, Ghost. It was the only blue card I had."

"Keep playing your cards right, Bandit.." Ghost whispered. "Believe me, you'll regret it when it's just you and me left in this game." Ghost put down a black wild card and then put down a green "draw 4" card. "Your turn, Johnny."

Soap sat there in disbelief. "Ghost, I know you did NOT just put down a green card with DRAW FOUR on it!" He glared up at him before checking his deck for a green card first. "Shit." He muttered. He picked up four cards up from the deck and looked at them. "God damnit!"

Gaz snickered. "What's the matter, Sergeant? The game not in your favor for once?"

Soap shot him a look before drawing another card from the deck. "Fuck!"

Another one.


Another one.


Another one.

"Jesus fuck, FINALLY!" He slammed the green card he had gotten on the deck with the other card Ghost put down.

You and Gaz were in a laughing fit while Ghost was choking back one as well.

Gaz checked his deck for a green card and smirked up at Soap. He put down a green uno reverse card. "Your turn again, Soap."

Soap stared daggers into Gaz as he muttered some curse words towards him before picking a card from the deck. "GOD DAMNIT! You're a cheeky fucking bastard, Gaz!" He drew five more cards before he finally got a green card. He slammed it down and huffed. "Go, Ghost."

Ghost smirked behind his mask. He put down a skip turn card. "Sorry, it was the only green card I had left."

You glared up at him. "You sly fucking-"

"My turn!" Gaz shouted. He put down another skip turn card. "Sorry, Soap. You have most of the deck anyways." He grinned as his gaze turned to Ghost who has only 4 cards left compared to him who only had one left.

Ghost chuckled softly as he put down a "draw four" card. "Don't think you can win this game easily, Gaz."

Gaz rolled his eyes as he pulled the last four remaining cards from the deck. "Fuck off."

"Your turn, Bandit." Ghost said, nudging your side.

You kept focused and looked at your cards. You grinned and put down down a wild card and put down a yellow card.

"God damnit! Out of all the colors, you choose yellow! I don't even have that color in my stack!" Gaz shot you a look.

You puffed out your lower lip. "You poor baby. Get over it. You just can't get over the fact I have less cards than you!"

Gaz rolled his eyes. "Go, Soap."

Soap grinned. "Finally!" He put down a yellow skip card. "In your face, Ghost!"

Ghost rolled his eyes.

You put down another yellow skip turn card. "Go, Soap."

Soap put down a wild card and a blue card.

Ghost put down another wild card and a green card. He looked over at you. "Uno. Got any green cards?"

You glared at him as you put a green skip card down.

Gaz scoffed. "Thanks for that!"

Soap hesitantly put a green card down.

Ghost put his last green card down."I win!"

Gaz threw his cards on the bed along with Soap. "Bullshit!"

Price banged on the door of their barracks. "Hey! You guys are supposed to be in bed!"

You scrambled back to your bed while the others immediately stood up to go to the door.

Price let himself in and glared at Soap and then Gaz. "You two were playing Uno again, weren't you?" He looked past them to see you in bed. "It's nearly fucking midnight. You have to be up by 6 tomorrow morning."

(also before anyone asks or overthinks the amount of skip cards or anything else, go with it. Thank you.)

Word Count: 1177

New Recruit (Call of Duty MW) [Female Reader]Where stories live. Discover now