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You stretched out and yawned as you got into your bed. You threw the blanket over your form and turned over on your side.

"Uh, Bandit?" Soap asked. "You sure you wanna be that far away? Gaz and I don't bite. Ghost.. won't bite either."

You smiled slightly before turning over to face him. "Thanks, but I'll give you guys your space."

Soap returned the smile. "If you're sure. Night."

Gaz elbowed Soap in the ribs. "Next time we play Uno, you're going down MacTavish."

After what seemed like hours, you could hear soft snoring from what you assumed to be Soap and Gaz. You tried not to move too much but finally decided you couldn't get any sleep. You sat up and drank most of the water on your bedside.

"You must be real thirsty." Ghost said as his gaze never left the book he was reading. "I can hear you from here taking big gulps of water."

You finished your last sip of water. "I was thirsty. And why the hell are you reading in the dark? It's not good for your eyes to squint so much."

Ghost looked up from his book. "My eyes adjusted to reading in the dark."

You scoffed as you got up and put your shoes on. You dug through your bag and found some spare change and stuffed it in your pocket. "I doubt that. You're probably just saying that." You were about to reach for the door knob before you heard Ghost get up.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

You slowly turned around to see him a few feet away from you as he stared down at you. "Food." You said simply. "Saw a vending machine when I got here. I'm gonna go see what I can buy with what little money I have."

"Well I can share some of my snacks with you." Ghost mumbled.

"You don't seem the type to share, Ghost." You said as you blankly stared at him.

"You gonna take the offer or starve?" Ghost asked.

"I'll take you up on your offer." You quickly replied.

Ghost chuckled softly as he grabbed his bag and opened it. He tossed you a honey bun. "There. If Soap asks, I'll just say Gaz ate the last honey bun."

You felt a small smile tug at your lips. "Thank you, Ghost."


"Rise and shine! Get up!! C'mon! We've got a lot to do today!" Price yelled.

Soap groaned as Gaz tried to shake him awake. "Wake me up when it's noon. It's too early..."

Gaz rolled his eyes. "Price made us breakfast. It'll be cold by then."

Soap sat straight up. "I heard breakfast!! I'm up!"

Ghost got about a few hours sleep. He tried to get to sleep after reading but it was next to impossible.

You were dead to the world after you ate the honey bun Ghost gave you. A midnight snack really did help you sleep better. It was only when Price started yelling that you started to wake up.

Price walked over to your bed and grinned down at you. "Mornin' sleeping beauty!"

You grunted in response. "Your enthusiasm this early in the morning is killing me."

"I made breakfast for you guys! Get up! C'mon!" Price gave you a good pat on the back to wake you up. "Unless you want Soap to eat everything. I'm not joking either, I've seen that man eat for a whole family. His appetite can't be satiated.." Price walked out with Gaz to the mess hall.

New Recruit (Call of Duty MW) [Female Reader]Where stories live. Discover now