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You and Graves went very quiet as you both stared at the civilians that had been killed as some sort of act of dominance.

You stepped over dozens of dead bodies before putting your glove to your nose. "These people have been rotting down here."

Despite being a Commander, Graves had a weak stomach when it came to things like these.

"Shadow 0-1, do you copy?" Lucian repeated through the walkie.

"Copy." Graves replied weakly.

"What do you see down there?"

You spoke up while Graves blew chunks in the corner. "Civilians. They must've been kidnapped and killed here. Sorry, Graves couldn't answer you. He's too busy throwing up his lunch."

"Fuck you." Graves mumbled before he spit the last bit of vomit out of his mouth.

Lucian looked up a few things on the intelligence laptop. "Shadow 0-1, it appears that the massacre was obviously a terrorist and military joint operation. Two months ago. No wonder those bodies smell horrible."

Valeria snatched the walkie and radioed to you instead of Graves. "Bandit do you copy?"

You were a bit confused as to how Valeria got a walkie but replied to her nonetheless. "I copy, Val."

"Check their clothes. They could've been enemy military personnel disguised as civilians."

You held your breath as you patted down one innocent person's decaying corpse. That was until a patch came off. You picked up the patch and walked over to Graves. "What task force did this belong to?" You asked quietly.

Graves examined the patch. "It's the patch of our allied military personnel to take down the Russians. A specific task force. They took them all out in one swoop. God damn it. Lucian, get me in contact with General Shepherd, right now."

"Copy. Just a second." Lucian radioed Shepherd and then put him through to Commander Graves.

"Shadow 0-1. What's the issue?" Shepherd asked.

Graves radioed back. "The issue is our allies are lying dead in some Russian bunker!"

Shepherd radioed back after a few minutes. "Shadow 0-1, I want you to take evidence of this massacre. See if those bastards left anything behind. Then, find those missiles and destroy them. We cannot let them fall into Russian hands."

Graves nodded. "Copy all. Out."

Back in the helicopter, Valeria noticed a few glowing red dots moving towards two grey dots, which were you and Graves.

Valeria snatched the walkie from Lucian again. "Chica, ¡Detrás de ti!" (Behind you!)

You grabbed Graves' hand and immediately got down on the ground. The foul odor of the dead bodies around you filling your nose.

Graves cringed at the smell and kept quiet as Russian tangos walked past.

They spoke in their native language as a few laughed and mocked the dead as they walked past.

There were so many dead bodies that they overlooked you and Graves.

After about 10 minutes or so, the soldiers cleared out, but there was a new sound.

A faint beeping sound.

You checked your watch as you took a breath of air after holding your breath for so long. "Graves is that your watch beeping?"

Graves stood up and checked his watch. "No..?"

You glanced over towards the missiles. The wooden crate had something odd on the side.

You squinted slightly. "Ah, fuck." You grabbed Phillip's hand. "We have to get the hell out of here."

Graves glanced over his shoulder and his eyes widened. "God damnit."

"Shadow 0-1, do you copy?" Lucian asked as the walkie talkie was nothing but static.

Valeria started to get a bit worried."Why aren't they answering back?"

Lucian side eyed Valeria. "Whose side are you on? First, you hate Y/N and now you're worried about her?"

Valeria cursed in Spanish before speaking in English. "Listen white boy, I may be a prisoner but I still have feelings."

"Are you sure those cold, hard feelings aren't for Y/N?" Lucian asked as he took one last glance at Valeria before looking back to the laptop.


You were crawling through a claustrophobic person's nightmare: a tight dug out hole that reached the surface.

That claustrophobic person's worst nightmare was Graves. Graves had been in tight places but after learning about the God for saken time bomb being placed on the wooden crates where the missiles were kept, this was the only way out without wasting ammo.

You had set your watch to the time when the bomb was set to explode. 10 minutes.

"Can't you go any faster!?" Graves snapped as he accidentally headbutted you from not paying attention.

You kicked his head. "Asshole. I'm going as fast as I can!"

5 minutes went by and you and Graves were shimming up this poorly dug fox hole before you finally saw light. You held your revolver in front of your face as you shimmied up the fox hole.


You sighed in relief as you pulled yourself out and looked down to see Graves was more behind than you thought.

"Graves! What the hell are you doing!?" You whisper yelled.

"My fucking gun in my belt got stuck!" Graves snapped back as he slowly shimmied his way up.

"Oh you fucking idiot. Take off your belt! We don't have time for your shit!"

"Shadow 0-1, come in Shadow 0-1..."

You picked up the walkie. "Copy. What shit have these assholes put down now?"

"They've set the fox hole you just crawled out of to blow up with explosives.."

"WHAT?!" You yelled.

Graves, in a panic, unbuckled his belt and threw it down as he quickly crawled his way out of the fox hole.

You held Graves hands as you pulled him out of the fox hole. You kept his hand firmly in yours as you ran as far from the blast as possible.

Valeria grabbed the walkie. "Y/N-!"

Over the walkie, the entire crew could hear the deafening explosion of their missiles, among other things.

Valeria's eyes widened slightly. Her eyes were glued to Lucian's laptop that showed the two dots of you and Graves disappear.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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