"You said it was going to be small"

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Ronal/Tonowari x GN Reader (Poly)
Requested- No
Spoilers- No
Warmings- Mentions of needles, slight pain, Reader has Trypanophobia
Word Count- 1.8k
(2nd person pov)
You where a warrior. Best Warrior of the Metkeyina Clan. Anyone could put up a fight but all failed in the end. Maybe it had been due to your line of warriors in your family. Each member protected the Metkeyina members and animals until death.

It was now your turn and like your bloodline you put your whole heart, body and mind into keeping your home safe. You protected new riders from feral Skimwings, you would fight against the sky people to save Tulkun. You where the Metkeyina's savior.

Which also meant Tattoos. It was practiced heavily amongst the people. Not just anyone has tattoos. You only got them if Eywa granted them. Usually she would after a warrior has proved themselves worthy. Many of the Metkeyina's has tattoos all except you.

It not like you doubted Ronal's work. She had done all of Tonowari's tattoos and you admired them all. Especially the ones his face. Those where your favorite to look at. You could spend hours admire the markings on his beautiful cyan skin.

How they curved around the orbits of his eyes. Down his long nose. How some curled his cheeks and how they started from his chin and down onto his neck. You also admired Ronal's.

You loved her coming of age Tsahik tattoos on her face. You would often trace them late at night and the woman would often protest against your affection. You loved how the tattoo on her forehead looked like a crown. How it nice curved around her eyes stopping right at her ear.

You especially loved the tattoo on her stomach. It was easy to say you loved all tattoos just not on you. Sure you where a warrior and that meant you had enough scars. You probably had the most among your people and it was due to your careless nature.

Ronal would heal you then slap you for scaring her. Tonowari would never strike you but he would hug you. His strong arms would wrap around your body and crush you. Well his hold was never aggressive nor hard but you where dramatic.

Ronal would get over her state of fear and shock then sliver her way into your arms. Her arms would wrap around your neck and she would rest her head against her heart. The beat of it calmed her because she could not picture losing her mate.

Soon you find yourself sandwiched between the two. Tonowari would stand behind you. Hands wrapped around your waist and Ronal infront. Then the three of your would close the opening to your marui pod. You didn't need to be a genius to understand what was unfolding inside.

"Stop jumping in front of danger", Ronal mumbled her head rested on your chest as she traced an old scar. Maybe your biggest one and from the sky people no less. That gave your whole clan a fright. So much blood you didn't even know a Na'vi carried so much. You didn't regret your actions though.

The Tulkun got back to there family safe and too you that was all that matter. The sea animals where also your brothers and sisters so like a true warrior you fought for them and stopped the sky people for killing a mother Tulkun. She was also carrying.

A harpoon gun hurt way more than a bullet. You grabbed her hand and kissed it softly and tinderly. The kiss meant more your words.

"I'll always come home", it was your way of saying I won't stop jumping in front of damage till my last breath. Ronal scoffed at this. She was quick to get dressed and leave the pod. Tonowari pulled you close.

"You scare us both. Promise us you'll be safe", the male pressed his forehead to yours and the two of you stayed like that for a while. Unmoving just enjoying the very intimate time you had. A forehead press meant more than any words you could speak from your mouth. It was something so special it needed no words.

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