The Aftermath (Memory Recap pt2)

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Ronal/Tonowari x Fem Warrior Reader, Aonung/Tsireya/Rotxo x Mother Reader
Requested- No
Spoilers- Yes (tbh everyone should have seen the movie by now so this ain't even a thing)
Warnings- angst, lost of a mate/parent, reader dies but is happy. everyone is crying and sad. The Metkayina tribe lives change forever.
Word Count- 2.9k
(3rd person pov)
"HELP, I NEED HELP", Leuk shouted as the Ilu pulled up to the shore of Awa'atlu. The weight of the Commander on his back made him worried as he climbed off the Ilu. "Leuk, are you-", the male huffed and kept his hand on wounded abdomen.

"Don't... don't worry about me, just get the Commander", Leuk panted out a sort breath as he grabbed the mouth of the Ilu who would feel his distress through there bond. "NOW", he raised his voice slightly at the stuck soldier. Although he couldn't blame him. The Commander was hurt and wasn't getting up.

The Commander always got up. Jumping at the shout Leuk watched the young soldier rush and grab Y/n's armpit pulling her up and off the animal concern lacing his when he felt her body go limp in his arms. Even after the most brutal battles the Commander didn't fall. Why is she not getting up.

"MOVE, BOY", Leuk raised his voice once more towards the young soldier. It wasn't him trying to be mean but now was no time to bask in the events of war right now. They all needed to work together and pull the village back together.

Breaking the bond from the animal Leuk let out a lot puff of air his injuries also getting to him as he slowly stomped up and out the water onto the store. The sky was dark and he had never seen a sight so broken before. Everyone moving in such fast fashion. It gave him a headache.

The Sky People Effect. Ronal had never worked this hard before. She had seen the aftermath of a bad battle or even a hunting trip gone wrong but she has never seen this. These were wounds beyond her knowledge as Tsahik and she couldn't fix them.

The Metkayina has never dealt with something like this. They didn't have the tools for it and it crushed her. She was the one who interpreted Eywa. She is Tsahik, so why is she failing now. "Tsahik, you should take a break", a young medical Navi watched as Ronal's hands shook slightly. The beads of sweat that formed on her face.

"I will rest when I think I need to rest", Ronal's tongue was sharp as she snapped her head over towards the young Navi whose ears instantly flattened to their head. Letting out an annoyed grunt Ronal continued her movements.

"Take a break", this time it came from her patient. Keanu, a man who was really close to the family not only due to his status in the clan but because he was Y/n best friend. "I am Tsahik, this is my job as Tsahik", Ronal's voice cracked as Keanu grabbed her hands and held them gently.

"Listen Princess, you're not the only one baring this weight. This Navi won't rest until every solider is patched up and walking but you are with child. You need to rest. You're stressing yourself out", Keanu slowly coaxed the stitching tools from Ronal's hands and turned towards another medical Navi with a nod.

"Tsahik, we got this. Please, go rest"

"Come on sis", Keanu pulled the woman up and watched the medical Navi mouth a thank you as they watched from the tent that was overflowing with bodies. Once back in the open and the sound of waves meet their ears Ronal collapsed in Keanu's arms. This was too much for her. War was never supposed to happen. She was meant to be lying with her mates on the sand watching their children grow.

She was never one to cry but even the strongest hit their low and this, seeing how in just a matter of seconds her village could be turned into a war zone. The villages she helped shaped was definitely her low. Not to mention the unsettling fear that she still hasn't heard from any of her family. Not her children or her mates and Eywa forbid something happens to them.

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