Mornings Together

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Ronal/Tonowari x GN Reader
Requested- No
Spoilers- No
Warnings- Extreme fluff. Tonowari gets more lines:D. (AN: I love this pairing if you couldn't tell and imma make y'all love it as well)
Word Count- 1.4k
(2nd person pov)
You always woke up first. You could stay up super late and still be one of the first villagers to raise. Maybe it was because you liked the quietness of the morning. You would get up and hunt fish with the early morning hunting party or just find a nice spot to sit on the sun.

Close to the ocean so your feet would get a little wet. Only your toes though. Your wide tail you curl around your legs and you just sit and take in the fresh salty smell from the sea and love how warm the sun felt on your body. A breeze would past you by every few seconds.

You would stay like that until either one of your kids interrupted you or Ronal dragged you back to your marui pod to sleep. She would complain it was to early and that she and Tonowari missed your warmth. Even tho time really wasn't a real thing.

Well it was but slightly different. All you knew was that when the sun came up so should you. Your father taught you that. Even though he got up before the sun. You tried to match his time but couldn't even pull your self up besides it was warm in your pod and cold outside.

Today however you couldn't move. You felt a crushing weight on you. Maybe not crushing but you where dramatic. Both your mates knew this. As serious as you acted and looked at times you where definitely dramatic but Tonowari and Ronal loved your personality.

How you could ease the room with a simple joke or smile. It what made him fall in love with each day. You groaned slightly and turned to your back. The crushing weight you felt was Tonowari's large arm that was resting comfortably on stomach.

Turned your head to face him and admired his sleeping form. All the way from the top of his slightly messing hair that you loved to curl your fingers through. You moved to look at his tattoo'd face. Your eyes raked down and stopped at his large muscular chest.

Without his Olo'eyktan attire you could take in his realest form. How some of his stripes with slightly darker while others seemed to be almost faded. You loved the tattoo that curved around his left pec. Work done by your beautiful wife who shifted closer to you.

Looking at him now Tonowari was big. You knew this but he always seemed slimmer with his large chest cover. His arms where huge and defined and very heavy. You let out a puff of air before your eyes traveled down further. You loved his muscular thighs.

You loved to use Tonowari as a sparing partner at times and just loved how his muscles would flex as he moved. God you loved his thighs. So big and muscular could crush a skull. His calves where the same way. Muscular and strong.

"Having fun", you felt his breath on your cheek making you look up at him. He smirked and you let out a groan before acting as if you could not move his arm. He watched with amusement at you acting as if he was the size of a Tulkun.

"You cant avoid my question" He let a laugh slip and you rolled your eyes. He was enjoying it though and seemly pulled you closer to him. His face close to your neck his arm still "heavy" around your stomach and you huffed before turning your head to him. The two of you close.

"Shut up. And move your heavy arm. It's crushing my abandon", you blushed avoiding his earlier question making him scoff playful as you acted as if you couldn't raise it. His arm was heavy and crushing but it provided a sense of protection around you.

"Your always so dramatic. My arm is far from crushing you. Maybe your just to weak to remove it", he kept his playful smug grin and you bared your fangs. Tonowari loved your fangs. They where slightly larger than the average Metkeyina. Only by a few inches but it sure did intimidate others.

He thought it made you extremely sexy when you corrected young warriors. You would hiss loudly and bare your large fans. It was something he would never get tired of seeing. Just like how you loved his large muscular thighs.

"Let me be weak at least I don't slack on my duties", it was your turn to laugh and Tonowari's turn to fake hurt. Suddenly the weight from his arm lifting how his stomach and he sat on his knees to stretch.

You let out a satisfying sigh once the weight was gone only to huff when Tonowari flopped his whole body on yours. His back rested on you and he smirked as you groaned trying to push him off.

"Am I too heavy for your noddles arms,
Y/n", he smirked getting more comfortable and you bared your fangs playful at him. This was common for you and Tonowari. Your morning fights. The day did not properly start until you and your mate had got under each other's skin.

"What is the chatter for. It's early sleep", Ronal turned to the two of you and her eyes turned into an annoyed stare and she watched you and Tonowari behave like children. Sometimes she had wonder if she had mated with children.

"According to this one duties of Tsahik start early", Ronal scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"Duties of Olo'eyktan is to be silent", you laughed at that and Tonowari had no comeback. Ronal was always so quick at the mouth it was always funny. She had gotten better at not speaking so loosely as all three of you grew and matured together but you remember when she was younger.

Tonowari only laughed at Ronal's comment and reached over you to kiss her. Ignoring your groans of displeasure.

"Tonowari, you are the size of a Tulkun. I cant even breathe", you wheezed out as he stared at you. He was now sitting up but his hands never moved from its place. Ronal watched the two of you with an amused stare.

"You can breathe just fine. Now stop the dramatics", he was right. He was close enough to you and felt your breath on him. He even moved his hands to rest on your large chest as he felt your heart beat calmly. You sulked and he kissed your neck gently.

"Now, rest with us", he reached for Ronal's hand and pulled her closer to you. You sighed and playful rolled your eyes before laying back down. Ronal sighed and rested her head on your chest close to your heart rubbing shapes on your stomach and Tonowari curled his body on the other side of you.

Keeping his arm in his place over your stomach but you didn't complain this time because even with the added weight of his strong arm it felt good and you felt protected and loved. He grabbed Ronal's hand and kissed your neck again.

You pressed a gently kiss on his lips and he licked your fangs. You pulled away with a shiver and he laughed as you turned to Ronal giving her the same display of affection. The three of you calmed and you warmed with love. You where thankful for these two and the life they provided for you. You closed your eyes and let out a deep breath. This was your heaven.




You, Tonowari and Ronal all shared a look. You laughed softly as Ronal huffed and quickly got dressed. She came back seconds later, harshly removed her breast coverings and layed back down on your right side. Yep, this was definitely your heaven.

AN- Thanks for all the reads and votes guys. Thanks for showing this book some attention it truly means everything to me. Also im like I love with Ronal/Tonowari x Reader haha.

Well this chapter has come to an end. I hope you all enjoy and next chapter is Aonung x Fem Reader:D. I may also do a Poly ship with Jake and Neytiri. Im still thinking of it though. Tell me if y'all would like to see that.

Anyways. Enjoy your day/night/evenings❤️🫶🏾- Jelly.

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