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Miles (Spider) Socorro x Fem Human RDA Reader
Requested- Yes
Spoilers- Maybe/Yes
Warnings- Trigger Happy Reader, Spider teaches them of the beauty of Pandora,
Word Count-  1.7k

Requesters^—————————————————————————(3rd Person Pov)Spider saw you first

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(3rd Person Pov)
Spider saw you first. He had only been around Na'vi and people twice his size he was amazed to see so many humans in one place. Of course he would feel a lot better if the circumstances where a whole lot different but he couldn't tear his eyes from you.

You looked no older than him but he could tell you carried a lot of power or you just didn't give a shit. He would follow you as you moved around the RDA base. People moved at the beat of your voice and he wanted to get closer to you.

This happened alot. He would just stare at you. Mesmerized by your beauty. You would never notice him. You had business of your own you had to take care of and Spider was not your responsibility.

You where a pilot. Only 17 years old but you where a better pilot than most of the adults. You worked a Scorpion Gunship like it was apart of your body. Spider wanted to get closer to you so he did. He knew he was trapped her with Quaritch so he figured he would make the most of it.

"Hi", your ears perked up at the sound and you stopped changing the guns on your ship and turned towads the boy. You had seen glimpse of him. Though he was weird. A human boy trying to be Na'vi. He was weird.

"You speak english. Did they reach you", you tilted your head and Spider took a offended step back. You sighed and got back to what you where doing and he climbed onto your ship. Your eyebrow twitched. You just cleaned it.

"No they didn't reach me. I speak English just like you", he moved closer and you looked him up and down.

"Who the savages", you moved from the gun and went to the other one. Spider tightened his jaw at that word. Na'vi where not savages they where beautiful creatures of this planet. He hated how ignorant you were being.

"Do you have to call them savages. They are people just like you and I", you gave a mock laugh and shook your head. You cleared your throat before turning to him.

"They are just very tall blue aliens. With very annoying dragons and arrows", you shrugged picking one up and throw it towards him. He looked at it with longing before looking back towards you.

"Ikran", he sighed and you raised and eyebrow towards him with a confused stare.

"They are not called dragons. They are called Ikran. Beautiful creatures", you stared at him before nodding softly. You stood and dusted your hands off on your pants before moving to check your propellers.

"They got wings like dragons. They are dragons and they would be beautiful if they didn't try and attack my ship every gotdamn second", you huffed sighed and Spider watched you side from the roof of the plane before jumping to the ground.

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