Ewyas greatest gift

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Ronal/Tonowari x Male Reader, Aonung x Father Reader
Warnings: just fluff, lots of fluff
Word Count-
Requested- No
This ship is my comfort ship so deal with it🩷.
(2nd person pov)
The moon was always so beautiful at night. So big and full. Each crater was different from the last and you could see each line, crack and feature as it laid in the sky. It was a beauty.

The night time was comforting, mostly because it was quiet. Living in a village filled with hyperactive kids along with the super active sea life it was nice to see everything in its most calmest state.

When the village was quiet softly hit by the night fires as teenagers walked the beach and gaurds stood watch while the waves calming brushed against the cool sand. It was peaceful.

It was like a night routine of yours always. With a very over protective wife, two rowdy and rambunctious boys, an adventurous little girl and a protective husband getting these little moments where great. You could finally think without Ronal threatening to unalive you and Tonowari giving you those soft eyes that would eventually stop you from doing whatever you where going too.

Shifting your tail softly swayed and dug itself into the cool sand as you sighed and leaned back to watch the stars. You liked the stars, tried to paint a picture in the sky with them and you could stare at them for hours giving each a name and a story.

Your father made you love stars. It was him who introduced this night routine. He would wake you and take you to the beach and make you sit and watch them. Like every little kid you thought it was boring and would rather be sleeping next to your mother but you started to enjoy the time spent with him.

Mainly because he was always working. Being the head commander. He would then tell you about how each star was every fallen soldier of the Metkayina and they only got a place in the stars if they served and fought with Eywa deep in their hearts.

Sometimes you didn't believe him but you did enjoy his stories. You and your father was close so sometimes you did believe him because every time they put a soldier down a new star would appear in the night. Until finally it was your father's turn.

"You should be asleep", a smack was heard and your son, Aonung plopped beside you on the sad. A bad little boy, your mother joked and said it was karma because of how back you where as a child. She said Eywa was getting back at you with a copy of yourself.

"Your not asleep", Aonung kicked your leg making you move slightly as your smacked your lips at him while he just made himself comfortable. The nerve of that boy. You sighed and softly shook your head before looking back towards the sky.

"Cus I'm an adult, but you should be sleep. If your mother caught you out here you know she would snatch you up, boy", Aonung only waved you off before following your stance covering his own tail in sand making you laugh as he glared at you.

"Mom would also snatch you up too",  he bit back that glare still on his face as he turned around copying each of your limbs positions before settling once everything was matching. Even the position of your loincloth. This is what having kids is like huh.

"Yea she would. Cus your mother is crazy",  a solid hit landed on your left thigh. Damn he was your son alright. You flinched slightly under the power behind Aonung's punch. Strong ass little boy.

"Mom is not crazy. Your just stupid, Skxawng", You spared your son a look before yanking him up and off the ground. Who did he think he was. As a punishment you shook him around listen to his laughs as his body slung every each way making you laugh as well. You loved your kids and their laughs where the best thing.

"Say it", you had Aonung by his feet and jumped around slightly as he bounced and dangled upside down. His laughs not stopping only getting louder making the awake villagers stop and stare.

"Ok ok im sorry, dad", you chuckled and popped Aonung back upright. You gave him a second catch his breath and calm down before setting him on the ground dusting him off making sure no sand got into his eyes or anything.

"Ha wanna do that again", you chuckled and shook your head while ruffling his hair. While it was fun you too did have to get back inside before Ronal woke up. You would rather her wake up and see you two watching the stars then you shaking her son around.

"No we gotta get back to bed before your mother wakes", your son gave a face and you sighed before staring at him. He was stubborn just like you. Damn. Curse Eywa.

"But I'm not even tired", Aonung huffed and tried to over his yawn making you chuckle lightly. So stubborn he was but he was your son after all. Your carbon copy. Looking over you nodded and only picked him up from the warm and held him close to your chest.

"I'm also going to sleep son. We are not missing nothing. The waves will be the exact same when we wake in the morning", Aonung made a noise and you chuckled forcing his head down onto your broad shoulder bouncing him slightly.

You continued to hold him bouncing him slightly waiting until he actually in a deeper sleep before sighing and walking back to your marui pod. You smiled at your growing finally and placed your oldest child down by his siblings watching as the three of them shifted closer to one another. How many years would go by until they started to hate each other.

Chuckling softly you placed a kiss on each other heads before taking her spot next to Tonowari. His large arm instantly wrapped around your slim waste and pulled you closer to him making you blush slightly. All these years and he was still making you blush.

"Where did you go", his head came to rest on your chest as he tangled his legs up with yours. You let out a deep breath and shook your head before placing a kiss on his forehead. Such a hard working man you admired that most.

"Just thinking. Thinking about how I got so lucky", you shrugged and Tonowari nodded softly before kiss your chest slightly. "As long as nothing is troubling you", he mumbled softly and you chuckled and kissed his head once more before pulling Ronal closer so that they where both laying on you a smile planted on your face.

Everyday you came to remember just how much you loved your overprotective wife, your two rowdy rambunctious boys and your adventurous little girl and your caring protective husband. Time alone was good but this. This was better, this was peace.

Hey y'all missed me. Just a fluffy chapter with Male Reader cus why not. Should I do a Team Qauritch or any of his team one shot🤔. Anyways just enjoy sorry for the long wait. Thanks for sticking around all. Stay awesome and happy pride month to all🤎🫶🏾- Jelly

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