I'll Do It A Thousand Times

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Ronal/Tonowari x Fem Reader, Aonung x Reader (Platonic)
Spoilers- Yes
Warnings- Character Death, Aonung is hard headed, Kiri is Pandora Jesus, Ronal likes to slap you and Tonowari hugs you a lot. Like a lot doesn't let go. Extreme Blood Loss. Reader gets shot about 5 times
Word Count- 3k

Prompt^[POSSIBLE TRIGGERS SO READ AT YOUR OWN RISK]—————————————————————————(3rd person pov)"Sit down boy" Y/n smiled towards Aonung

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(3rd person pov)
"Sit down boy" Y/n smiled towards Aonung. The boy laughed and softly twisted her ear as he leaned against her back.

"I'm no boy. Im a man", Aonung let out a series of yells and clicks. You laughed at your son. You wished people could see him like this. Happy and full of love. Your hand grabbed onto his leg when he wobbled. You sent him a look and he laughed.

"No Dad is a man. You are still a boy", you laughed at Tsireya's words and so did Rotxo. Your daughter was quick tongue like her mother. You loved it. You loved these moments with your kids. You where lucky they still enjoyed them.

Just when they where still young. First it would be Aonung. He would hop on your Skimwing and you couldn't resist him. His huge blue eyes filled with love and happiness. You would groan slightly before fixing him closer to your chest.

Tsireya and Rotxo would see and demanded they ride as well. So you would grab your kids and wrap your large arm around their tiny bodies before taking from for a ride around the reef.

Tsireya and Rotxo would hold your arms tightly and Aonung would lead your Tsurak through and above the water. Ronal would slap(really just thumping your head slightly) you once you got back on the beach. You always wondered if it was her love language.

She knew how dangerous the creatures could be and how careless you where at time. It always gave her mini attacks when she would see the 3 gliding in the air with you. However your smile and your kids smile always broke past her fear.

"You know I will protect them", You placed your hand on the side of her face and she would lean into your touch. She knew but as a mother she could not help but worry but she never judged your parenting because she knew you needed these moments. Your kids did as well.

"Trust our mate. Our kids are safe", Tonowari would join you too and you smiled at him. He gave you the same look back and Ronal sighed before sending you a look. You didn't need her to say it. Her eyes spoke words than anything.

That moment started your now traditional. Your kids where getting older. Growing into young adults. Choosing their own paths and lives but they would never turn down a ride. Thankfully your Tsurak was the strongest one of its school.

You where 9'6, Tsireya was 7'2, Aonung was 8'5 and Rotxo was 7'3. Carrying the three of you was no easy task. Your Tsurak made it look easy. It signified your strength. The Tsurak is as strong as its rider. A strong rider meant a even stronger tsurak.

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