A Warrior Protects

20.4K 156 17

Ronal/Tonowari x GN Reader
Requested- No
Spoilers- Maybe/Yes
Warnings- Mentions of Blood Lost. Almost Death. Kiri being Pandora Jesus. Soft boy Aonung. Short cus I cant sleep and I know some of y'all still awake:D. (short he said🤦🏾‍♂️. Someone take away my creative mind)
World Count- 3k
(2nd person pov)
You had fought many battles. Your first battle was at 17 years old. Your first real one at least. It almost got you killed but you where strong. You where actually very weak. Weak, scrawny and stupid but your mind was strong.

So was your heart. So you took a hunters spear and fought the wild Akula. It was a baby but it wasn't small. Villagers ran away but you ran towards. No matter how far and deep the creature pushed towards the bottom of the ocean you never backed off.

You had always been that type of person. One that stands in front of others when danger is coming to protect them. Even as a child. You would yell at the chief and people would stare at you. They blamed your stupidity and negligence on your upbringing.

You grew up and outcast of your own people. Due to your father. He lead many of the Metkeyina Na'vi to death on a human raid that went south and Villagers couldn't blame a dead man so they blamed you instead.

You couldn't say it didn't bother you because it did. It hurt alot but still you would protect them all. Didn't matter the situation you would stand up and stick to what you thought was right. Your father taught you that. Stick to what your heart said.

Always stick to what your heart felt was right and never let anyone change your mind and so you did. With his spear and his wisdom flowing through you nothing was able to tear you down. It hurt. It hurt when villagers acted as if you where a diseased, it hurt when they would talk hushed words behind your back, it hurt when you cried alone at night but pain never stayed unless you let it.

Your father taught you that too. He taught it to himself as well. Nothing hurt you more than yourself. He would always tell you that as he patched up one of his many wounds and you would sit across from him in aww. A smart man he was but stupid. Never had a plan just going in head first.

Sometimes you wondered if the villagers had taken the time to teach and respect you as a young Na'vi then you wouldn't be as quick to react but you where a adult and parent now and simple didn't care anymore about what anyone thought about you besides your family.

"I wish you stop and use your thick skull, Ma Y/n", Ronal hissed as she grabbed you and Aonung to your family Marui pod. You and son made no noise and let the pregnant woman twist your slim ears and pull the two of your towards your home.

Your other mate/husband Tonowari did not interfere and neither did your other son or daughter. They knew not to get in the way of an angry pissed Ronal and you and your carbon copy (Aonung) did not blame them.

"Our son is a child. The open ocean no less. Your lucky I don't rip your fangs from the base of your gums" Ronal hisses again and you and Aonung stood side by side. He looked very much like you. Had your offish blue skin and the same stripe pattern as you.

He had your face structure only a little more masculine than your own. Your wide lips and wide but long nose. The same eye color and hairstyle only he stood a few feet shorter than you.

"And you. I pray to Eywa as I will not strike my child", she raised a hand towards Aonung and he slightly moved closer to you. You moved away and he sent a "wtf" look your way. You sent one back. You had no idea why your son thought you could protect him. If Ronal wanted to get to him. You where not gonna stop her.

You where known for being stupid and jumping into damger but you where not insane. Ronal was the danger that you did not want to try and challenge. Ronal was gentle and sweet but she could only handle one of you doing stupid things not two especially not when she was carrying.

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