Taming the Tsurak

11.4K 93 14

Metkayina Family x Child/Sibling GN Reader
Requested- No
Spoilers- No
Warnings- None just oldest child of Ronal and Tonowari upgrade from Ilu to Tsurak (Skimwing)
Word Count- 2.3k
(2nd person pov)
Being the oldest child of the Olo'eyktan and Tsahik was not an easy task. You had a lot of people looking up to you and holding high expectations over your head. You wanted to please both of your parents and be the best role model you could for you sister and brother.

With that you put a lot of pressure on yourself. Pushing yourself harder than anyone else. Even harder than the grown adults in your tribe. You could hunt, fight, heal and provide and you where also 19 years old which had lots of people wanting to be your mate in the potential of having strong off spring.

You wheren't too focused on that however. You where more focused on just keeping your family safe, but you still had yet to master a Tsurak. You would think being the child of the leaders of your clan and being on of the best child warrior you would have mastered it. No.

You had sat through multiple tattoos. The tattoo of a warrior on your arm, the tattoo of a champion on your face, the tattoo of a healer a band on your thigh. The tattoo of a fighter, the tattoo of a protector sat on your calf and yet throughout all these achievements you still did not have your own Tsurak.

You followed all the rules and never complained and yet your mother would not let you anywhere near the feral beast. Only time you had ever been on a Tsurak was when you where a child. Tonowari would let you join him on late night rides.

You could understand why your parents though had been so hesitant in letting you finally get with your own Tsurak. They where unpredictable, dangerous and very deadly. Handling one let alone taming one was not easy especially when you had to claim them in the open ocean and under water in their habitat.

Lots of Na'vi have gotten hurt so Tsuraks are only for the strongest of warriors. It was dinner. The whole villages gathered around to eat, dance, play and just be with each other. It was normal to eat with the whole village. They where your brothers and sisters and you where theirs.

"I wanna claim my own Tsurak", you parents who where lightly talking to members and laughing looked over at you. You felt their stares and ducked your head down to the fish you where de-heading so it could be prepared for the villagers to eat.

"No", it was a quick response from Ronal. You hung your head. You had proven yourself many times yet your mother was still so productive over you. You couldn't blame her however she was your mother and mothers worry.

"A fine warrior like Y/n needs their own Tsurak, Tsahik", hands clapped your shoulders and squeezed them a little bit. It was your squad leader Commander Keanu. He was a little younger than your father but he was a very strong warrior of the Metkayina. Had many scars as well.

"I mean it's true. Y/n is growing and an Ilu is for children not for warriors", it was one of your squad members. You smiled slightly at how they had your back against your mother's word. Tonowari held his hand and motioned for Ronal to stand as they moved to talk on the side.

"I warn you though young warrior. The Tsurak are not easy to master", Keanu took a squat next to you and you nodded. You had heard many stories or Tsurak's going to far as to almost killing Na'vi in the taming process or Na'vi even drowning due to the harsh beast.

"I'm a warrior. I need to do this", that was true. You where a warrior and as a warrior you needed your own Tsurak. They where faster and got the job done and it was the last part of actually signifying that you where officially a Warrior under the Metkayina.

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