Demon Blood

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Ronal/Tonowari x GN Reader
Requested- Yes
Spoilers- Yes
Warnings- Intimidation, mentions of public Teasing and Degrading of Features (literally just pointing off the Sully's obvious differences in features)
Word Count- 2.0k

Requester/Prompt^[READ AT YOUR OWN RISK]—————————————————————————(2nd person pov)"Yo Commander, up high", one of your squad members clicked the sky making you sigh and harshly remove the dead sky people from your large knife

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(2nd person pov)
"Yo Commander, up high", one of your squad members clicked the sky making you sigh and harshly remove the dead sky people from your large knife. The body dropped with a thud and you looked up to where the young na'vi was pointing.

Ikran. Reef people didn't use Ikran. The only clan you could think of that used Ikran where the Tayrangi people but they where very fair south of your waters and they had smaller Ikrans. Smaller but faster.

"Tayrangi", it was the voice of a young female. You reached to wipe blood from her cheek. You could say it was your paternal instincts. You wiped the blood from your thumb on your thigh and shook your head lightly.

"No, those are from the far west. From the Mountains", you pointed out to the distance and grabbed your weapons. It was supposed to be a hunting trip but you got unexpected visitors. You hatred ran deep with the sky people and thankfully you where their biggest threat in the water.

You always saw them before they could react. You knew the waters better than they did so they where basically sitting ducks. You stashed away your dual swords on your back and put the large dagger in its place on your thigh.

"They are landing on our sand", you kicked the dead body into the sea and watched the Ikran group circle around a bit. A deep sigh fell from your nose and you threw your head back a bit. You where already tired from fighting sky people and not being able to get the food needed to feed your family and the rest of the clan.

Personally you didn't wanna deal with guest today. Just dragging your mates to your marui pod and forcing the two to lay with you was what you wanted.

"It will be alright Commander. It could be nothing. Should we finish fishing", your right hand clapped his large hand on your back and you glared at him softly. He had no regards of your many cuts and bruises. A submarine driver slammed you into very sharp rocks. You back was litered in cuts and scratches.

You looked down at your arm. It had a deep gash. Along with a cut on your thigh. Ronal would kill you. The group waited for to speak and you turned to them. It was smaller than your normal squad maybe 12 of the original 30 or so warriors.

"No, the sky people will flood this area soon. We ride", you clicked your tongue before plunging into the cold deep blue water, hissing in pain once the water touched your scars. You never got used to pain after the adrenaline was gone. A part of you really didn't want to go back. You didn't need Ronal to slap you for being so reckless.

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