It will be ok

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Ronal/Tonowari x GN Reader
Requested- No
Spoilers- Yes
Warnings- Reader is dealing with mental health issues,SH, SUI Mentions Ronal and Tonowari being supportive as always, reflection of what your authors is dealing it a bit, Angst and fluff
Word Count- 2.8k
(2nd person pov)
You shouldn't have been feeling this way. The war was over your kids where safe. Your mates where safe. Your home and safe but yet you couldn't sleep a full nights rest. You couldn't swim comfortably in the ocean without almost drowning when you saw anything related to Sky People.

You wanted to laugh, scream, cry, breakdown. You had been in many battles, life threatening battles and had always been fine. So why was this different. You sat at right at the end of the shore letting your tail sway softly behind you digging itself in the sand while watching small kids play.

Everything was so different now. You would be lying if you said you liked the changed. You absolutely hated it. Your home didn't feel homey anymore it just felt like a space that you just in without a clear purpose.

You bit your lip a little harsh. You where supposed to be happy. The demons where dead and you won but nothing inside of you felt like you had won. You didn't feel like your normal self. You felt like a small spec in the center of a void falling deeper and deeper down without a way of escape.

Suddenly the waves sounded distant and the screaming and laughter of the kids in front of you where almost coherent all you could hear was your own rapid heart beat. It was happening again. These episodes that you could not explain.

It felt like you where drowning and falling constantly and you just wanted to scream but you where stuck. Unable to move under this crushing weight. A shadow casted over you and you felt your tail swish dangerously slow as your ears flattened against your head.

A hand reached out to you and instinctively out of fear you hit away scrambling back a few feet. Your rose and fell quickly like you had just done a morning spar or had your adult fun with Ronal or Tonowari.

Then you saw her. It wasn't a monster like you envisioned it was your daughter. It was Tsireya. You laughed. A breathy chuckle as you scrambled to your feet while your daughter close stalked closer to you. More concerned now than anything else she was feeling.

"Are you ok baba", you chuckled and gave her a smile as you nodded. Tsireya stared at you for a second she was used to your childish behavior but she also like Ronal could read you like a book. It was the tsahik Genes in her.

"You sure. I can go get mo-", Tsireya turned from you and looked over in Ronal's general direction. The tsahik was talking to some medical Navi. About what you had no idea and really didn't care but the last thing you needed was your mates to worry. You where fine. You wheren't but you confused yourself you where.

You grabbed Tsireya's hand and pulled her back. With enough force to pop her arm out of place. She winced slightly and you looked at her with panicked eyes. You shook your head before licking your lips and stood to your full height still holding her hand.

"Listen Reya, darling girl, I'm fine really ok. I'm fine their is nothing you need to worry about. Ok princess", Tsireya nodded and you moved your hands to her head and kissed her forehead slightly. Tsireya stiffened against your body.

You kisses wheren't warm. They felt different and you where different but Tsireya respected you and nodded before wrapping her arms around her waist.

"I hope you are Baba", she pulled away and began to walk off. To where you had no idea but you just wanted to bang your head against something. Repeatedly until it hurt so bad that the pain was the only thing you could think of. Pain was easier to deal with than whatever you where feeling now.

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