Different is Beautiful

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Kiri Sully x GN Reader
Requested- No
Spoilers- No
Warnings- Mentions of death, blood, reader goes into their Wanda Maximoff era
Word Count- 3.1k
(2nd person pov)
"Get up and go help your brother fish", your mother kicked your tail hard. It looked hard but due to your scaled tails you it only felt like a slight nudge before growing slightly. You just wanted to sleep on the ice ground below.

You and your clan loved far off isolated in the northern glacier mountains in the east. Your clan was called Yuki ni kakureta or in simpler words Hidden in the Snow. You and your people where very different from other Na'vi.

Your skin wasn't blue. No it was white. Just like the snow. You had light blue almost white stripes as well to blend in. You always had metacarpal padded feet. To keep your feet from getting cold and frost bite. Your hands where the same way.

You had sharp claws as well. Mainly to support your body while climbing and the scaling the ice tundras. Your teeth where sharp all around oh and yea you also had wings. The reason for your wings where a very unknown thing.

Maybe Ewya had blessed you so that you and your people would not freeze to death. I mean all of your clan members used your wings as an insulated blanket. They where big and wrapped around your body gently. Keeping you warm inside when the winds got harsh.

Yuki ni kakureta barely got any sunlight either. Maybe once every 60 moons which to saw was not often. Most of your home was always covered in snow and harsh winds it was a miracle such Na'vi even got to live in such conditions.

Food was not consistent, sometimes you couldn't even leave your underground homes for months on end before of the harsh winds outside. The cool would stab your body and no matter how rough and tongue your skin was you where getting even 3 feet outside before falling dead due to the murderous cold.

Yet your people made a work and for years you had lived in harmony with your own way of life. Hell you even had a different language from the other Na'vi cultures and tribes. You could not be the same when your existence to them was not heard off.

"He is big mama, let me sleep", you let out a yawn and turned around on your side. Wrapping your large wings tighter around your body as your scaled and spike tail curled up underneath you.

"Wait, Mama. Did you say fish", you rose your head from and above your pink colored wing and shifted slightly to meet your mother grin. Your blinked a few times and your slit like eyes dilated before you popped your head out your burrow.

The snow hit your nose making your shake your head softly before hissing harshly as the sun hit your eyes. Months in darkness you had grown custom to the little to no light. Of course you could see perfectly fine but damn it was still so bright.

You saw people running about, some babies taking their first steps in the snow. It was always a gamble of which babies would love it and which ones would hate it. Being underground for so long they grew used to the heat and the snow was new thing.

"Move your big butt. I wanna see. I wanna see", you let out a soft groan as your younger sister came crawling out from underneath you. You gave another smile before helping her up and out the burrow. You had missed this and you could never get tired of seeing it.

"Be faster next time, slow poke", you twisted your sister's ear playfully and she swatted her little hands at you snapping up at your wrist. She may have been small but even the smallest of  Yukidaruma or Snow People where strong. Sharp claws and sharp teeth. Of course not to you but to other she could slice deep and close the bone is she tried hard enough.

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