Phase 4: The Trial

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December 7, 1992

"All rise. The Chatham County Juvenile Court, Criminal Division, is now in session. The Honorable Judge Eldeson presiding."

"Everyone but the Bailiff may be seated. Mr. Boland, please swear in the jury" Judge Eldeson requested.

"Please raise your right hands. Do you solemnly swear or affirm that you will take in all testimony in this case and render a true verdict and a fair sentence as to these defendants?" the bailiff recited.

"I do" all twelve jury members answered in unison.

"Members of the jury, your duty today will be to determine whether the defendants are guilty or not guilty based only on facts and evidence provided in this courtroom. The prosecution must prove that the alleged crimes were committed and that the defendants were the persons who committed the crimes in which they are each collectively or individually charged with. However, if you are not satisfied of the defendants' guilt to that extent, then reasonable doubt exists and the defendants must be found not guilty" Judge Eldeson addressed the members of the jury. "Is that understood?"

"Yes, Your Honor" the jury responded in an inconsistent but simultaneous manner.

"Bailiff, please announce the title of the case" Judge Eldeson continued.

"Your Honor, today we begin proceedings of The State of Georgia and The Flag State's High Seas Division v. The Boys of Bainbridge Military Academy" Bailiff Boland announced to the courtroom.

Judge Eldeson turned to look to his left, where the prosecution team was sitting. The prosecution was made up of two attorneys; U.S. prosecutor Dana Barnes, and Flag State prosecutor Andrew Murray.

"Is the prosecution ready to proceed?" Judge Eldeson asked them.

"Yes, Your Honor" Barnes and Murray stood to recite in sync before sitting back down.

"Excellent" Judge Eldeson turned to look to his right, where the case's primary defense attorney Jeremy Reyonlds sat. "Is the defense ready to proceed?"

"Yes, Your Honor" Reynolds confirmed after standing, and then sitting as the prosecution did.

"Before we proceed to the opening statements, I'd like to ensure that all members of the jury, councils, defendants, and supporting parties understand that this is an incredibly complex joint case. It is also a very unique case. In all my years as a federal judge, I've never seen one quite like it. Here we have twenty two minors on trial for one of Georgia's seven deadly sins. This case was initially sent to Superior Court due to the automatic requirement that minors charged with one of these seven offences are to be tried as adults in Superior Court. But due to the uniqueness of this case, the district attorney has indicted the case, resulting in a transfer down here to juvenile court. This case is still a Class A Designated Felony case, and will be treated as so. We have plaintiffs on both a national and global scale here today, and multiple defendants as this is a joint trial. Members of the jury, and of the court, please keep the complexity of the matter in mind as you hear the following arguments and testimony. If we are all ready to proceed with opening statements, the floor is yours, Ms. Barnes."

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