Conclusion: Chapter 13

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April 12, 1994. 9:54 AM.

The air conditioning was running inside the Fulton County Juvenile Courthouse that Tuesday morning. Jack thought it wasn't warm enough outside for air conditioning yet. He was glad to be wearing a long shirt underneath his sports jacket. The outfit felt more casual than it should've at his age, but after a year of ties and suits, Jack was happy to wear something as comfortable as a sports coat to court.

It would be the first time he'd seen Evan since the initial custody hearing back in February. Part of Jack felt like it might be him calling every time the phone rang in his and Paige's new house, but it never was. Paige was clear about the fact that Evan didn't have their new number and she intended to keep it that way, but Jack still hoped nonetheless.

In the present moment, Jack situated himself next to Paige at the prosecution's table. Evan and his lawyer, Not Brett Winslow, sat adjacent to them on the defense's side. The kids' lawyer, Donna Lien, sat on Paige's other side and whispered to her in the few minutes before the judge arrived.

"All rise, the Honorable Judge Leighton presiding."

All rose, and then all sat. Jack was told by Donna Lien and Paige not to turn around excessively and look into the gallery throughout the proceedings. Ralph and Jeffery were there behind them on the other side of the gate, watching hopefully. Laurie wasn't able to make it because she had to work, but she promised Jack she'd be thinking of them.

"Thank you all for making an effort to be here for this final hearing in this case" Judge Leighton addressed all members of the court. "I have reviewed all the documentation submitted by both parties, and have also received the final report from the Department of Child Services following the home visit to Paige Merridew's new residence. After careful review and consideration, I have made my decision in this matter. I've seen thousands of families through my courtroom, and each story has stuck with me for different reasons. Here, I see two kids on the cusp of adulthood who are trying to figure out where they fit in the world now that they realize their father's house isn't that place. I also see a father who is broken over a series of events that led us all here to this unfortunate point. There is no way to undo any of what happened in the past. The only way is forward, and like all of you, I want to see the right decision be made for this family. With that said, it is my belief that Jack Merridew's safety would be in jeopardy if he were to remain in Evan's care. Careful review of his medical records does indicate a long history of physical abuse, and this is something I cannot ignore. I have also carefully reviewed the circumstances surrounding Paige's decision to move herself and her brother out of the family home in light of years of abuse, and I am confident that she has put in all the work and effort necessary to create a safe and secure environment for Jack to live in for the remainder of his youth. So with all that said, I hereby order that custody of Jack Merridew be transferred from Evan Merridew to Paige Merridew. As Jack's legal guardian, Paige will have full authority and autonomy to make all decisions regarding Jack's physical and emotional wellbeing. Any contact kept between Evan Merridew and Jack Merridew will be entirely at Paige's discretion. Ordinarily, Evan would have had four days to reconsider his decision to relinquish his parental rights. However, due to the undeniable evidence of abuse, I have decided to permanently terminate these rights. If at any point in time in the next year the court decides Paige is unfit to care for Jack, Evan will not be given the option to reinstate custody, and Jack will likely be placed in government care. Let's hope that doesn't happen, however. Do both parties understand all that I've said here today?"

"Yes, Your Honor" Paige was first to stand up and confirm. She nodded confidently as she spoke before carefully sitting back down.

"Yes, Your Honor" Evan rushed to rise and sit back down, his voice flat and barely audible.

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