Phase 4: Chapter 114

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November 9, 1993. 1:04 PM.

It felt like the worst would never be over, and the hour long recess was only prolonging that feeling. The worst part of the day, and possibly the trial in general, was surely going to be Dana Barnes' cross-examination of Ralph later that afternoon. Reynolds' questioning period took up most of the morning, so court was adjourned a few minutes early for lunch. Ralph wanted to skip the recess entirely that day. The break felt like a punishment, like it was intended to drag out what was left of the day. Ralph just wanted to get his turn in Barnes' hands over with.

But the universe hadn't been that kind to him in a very long time.

Of course, Laurie coddled the hell out of Ralph during the recess. She wouldn't stop hugging and kissing him and telling him how well he did up there. As if it were over. At first, he was still quite emotional from testifying and so he appreciated the excessive love bombing, but after awhile, it got old. Ralph wasn't nine years old anymore. Being coddled and kissed by your mommy in public was the opposite of cool for most supposed-to-be tenth graders.

Now, Ralph was trying to mentally prepare himself to return to the stand as everyone settled back in the courtroom with full stomachs. Quiet chatter died down as Judge Eldeson came through the door he always did; the one at the front of the courtroom closest to his bench. The opening (or re-opening, really) proceedings began and the jury was sworn in once again, as if they may have forgotten their responsibilities over lunch, even after eleven agonizing months of doing this everyday.

"Councillor Barnes, we will open with your cross, that is if you have any questions for the previous witness, Ralph Langley" Judge Eldeson announced.

"I do, Your Honor" Dana Barnes confidently and proudly declared. The certainty in her voice scared Ralph a little. No, it wasn't certainty. It was joy, or amusement. She was excited to get her hands on him. And that scared him more than a little.

Judge Eldeson ordered Ralph to return to the stand, and the boy forcibly convinced his legs to move and go back up there. "It won't be as bad as it seems at first" Jack's words of encouragement echoed in his mind, "it'll be over before you know it. You might not even feel her claws digging into your skin."

Ralph settled back on the witness stand with his shoes still pinching his toes and boxers riding up and shoulders shifting with his oversized blazer. Dana Barnes stared at him. He stared back. Her red oval nails were long, definitely claw-like, he considered. He wondered if her teeth were sharp too, if her words alone would possess the power to create a bloody indent in his vulnerable skin.

"Ralph, it seems that you and Simon Bennett were very good friends" Dana Barnes began, her insinuation leaving no room for an obvious response. Ralph continued to stare. "Up until the island, according to your own earlier statement."

Still, Ralph failed to see the opening to respond.

"Objection" Reynolds rose, almost boredly, from his seat at the defense table. "Is there a question in there somewhere, Your Honor?"

"Sustained" Judge Eldeson concurred. "Get on with it, Councillor. I'd like to be out of here in time for supper this evening."

"Of course, Your Honor. Ralph," Barnes turned her attention back to him, "when was it that you and Simon Bennett drifted apart on the island?"

"Towards the end, mostly. I don't know exactly what month, but in the last one or two, I think" he stuttered nervously, already feeling the anticipating threat of attack.

"And what was the cause of this drift?"

"Umm, well, I was just a bit preoccupied, I guess. I didn't do it on purpose. Or we didn't do it on purpose. It just kinda happened, I guess" Ralph's voice shook with anxiety. He didn't have a clue where she was headed with this, and that made him especially nervous to answer.

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