Phase 4: Chapter 119

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"How did that stupid sicko prosecutor find that goddamn tape, Brett?" Jack angrily shouted at his lawyer in one of the deliberation rooms after court that same day. "You said there were no copies!"

"There wasn't supposed to be, Jack" Brett argued calmly, much calmer than his client was. "I have no idea how she got her hands on it, but I'll be having a word with my contact up at the Flag State about this" the attorney assured Jack and Paige.

Paige, the third party in the room, sat silently whilst disengaged as she absorbed the conversation.

"That doesn't matter now" Jack argued, "she heard the tape. She knows what's on it. She told the entire courtroom! It's over, Brett! I'm going to fucking kiddie jail, aren't I?"

"We don't know that" Brett combatted steadily, "it didn't go the way she was expecting today."

"Does that matter? The jury still heard---"

"Jack, she has nothing now" Brett cut in to say. "I will connect with my contact at the Flag State and find out how this happened. I'll let you know as soon as I know. There won't be any more copies, that I can guarantee you. She's got nothing, kid."

"You better be right this time 'cause that was bad in there today" Jack snarled bitterly.

"It wasn't nearly as bad as Barnes planned."

Two hours earlier...

"Your Honor, I would like to play this hidden piece of evidence for the court now" Dana Barnes finished her dramatic spiel about Jack's alleged attempt to end Ralph's life on the last morning on the island. In her hand, she held the tape she claimed was from the Flag State interviews back in 1991. One of the little ones caved and admitted the truth about that morning, that Jack preplanned an attack on Ralph, his supposed-to-be final victim on the island, the murder that would grant him complete control of the island and all its living occupants.

"Alright Councilor, let's hear it. And this better be good" Judge Eldeson complied with her request.

Barnes passed the tape off to the bailiff, who retrieved the cassette player from behind the Staff Only door across from the one the judge and jury used to enter the courtroom each day. The bailiff inserted the tape into the cassette player. The room went quiet as everyone waited.

But still, no sound came. Not until the cassette player started making a terrible choking sound and stalled dramatically. The bailiff hurried to open and retrieve the tape from the player.

And it was ruined.

The magnetic tape strip inside the cassette was all crumpled up on the outside with some pieces torn off and others scratched. It was beyond repair. Whatever was on it, it would never be heard again.

Jack's mouth hung open in shock as he stared at the wrecked cassette tape from his spot next to his sister in the gallery. Ralph too looked shocked beyond measure, like he was still waiting for it to play, like he had yet to process that it wasn't going to happen.

"Councilor Barnes" Judge Eldeson broke the silence, snapping many out of their shocked dissociative trances. "Do you have another copy of this tape?"

"No, I do not" she regretfully admitted, a confession Jack could tell cut her down to her very core.

"Can you obtain another by tomorrow?" the judge questioned hopefully.

"That was the only copy" she hated to admit, hated it like it sealed her own fate when it was supposed to seal Jack's instead.

"Very well then" the judge sighed heavily, "Exhibit AB-P will be withdrawn from evidence. Councilor Barnes, do you have any further questions for this witness?"

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