New Year's eve (Fluff)

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(Season 1)

(OOC Chishiya & Niragi)


3rd Person POV

"Anddddddd....Done!" Chishiya was making a surprise for his friends..? 'Are they really my friends now.?' Chishiya thought. His thoughts were interrupted by a door creaking open. Chishiya quickly tried to hide what he was making. He was successful and leaned back in his chair as the figure turned the corner into the bedroom.

"Hey Chishiya." The figure said. Chishiya let out a sigh of relief as it was just his best friend, Kuina. "Hey, Kuina. I was just finishing the surprise for everybody." He responded as she sat on his bed just waiting for him to take it all out again.

"Want me to help you?" She asked him. He glanced at her and then nodded. She smiled as she wanted to help her best friend out. He quickly took out the stuff, while being careful and set it all back on his desk. He gave her instructions on what goes where and what to mix together and where to put it.

She followed all his instructions carefully. And then they finished after an hour. Chishiya looked outside his window and realized it was perfect timing. It was nighttime already. Meaning that he can put his surprise to good use. "Perfect timing, right?" He muttered, Kuina just nodded.

"Wanna go set it up now?" She asked and he didn't respond. He just started gathering it all and walked out, signaling her to follow. She rolled her eyes, as he was being quiet again. 'Per usual..' Kuina thought as she quickly caught up to him.

"Okay.. We should be all set up. Can you gather everybody's attention and get them out here?" He asked, not wanting to deal with it himself. Kuina just nodded, walking inside. After a few minutes everybody was outside waiting for whatever she said was gonna happen.

Chishiya looked around waiting to do it. He was looking for a specific male. After a few seconds he saw him, their eyes making contact for a few moments. Chishiya quickly looked away embarrassed and lit his surprise. He ran away from it, everybody watched him before they heard a loud noise. Everybody's eyes quickly turn to the noise, their eyes follow the thing that went up into the sky, as it makes a *boom* *crack* noises as they see the fireworks light up the night sky. Chishiya and Kuina are standing there smirking at each other, satisfied that they managed to do this for new years eve.

A male figure came over, his eyes on Chishiya the whole time, not once looking at Kuina. She saw that as her cue to leave the two alone. As soon as Kuina left to join Arisu and the others, the figure spoke, "So this was your doing, as well as Kuina..?" Chishiya muttered a "Yes."

Before he could say anymore the figure wrapped an arm around the other's waist and pulled him closer towards him, their bodies touching, chest to chest. As the last firework goes off, their lips connect. They share a small, affectionate kiss. And part away soon after and just hold each other as they watch everybody clap and talk to each other, happy. Forgetting about all the death and killing.



HAPPY NEW YEARS!! I thought I would try to get another chapter out today as it is New Year's! So hope you guys enjoy!! <3

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