Singer (Fluff)

179 7 2

(Singer AU)
(OOC Definitely)
(No AIB)
Third Person POV
"Niragi you have to chill out." A masculine, smooth voice had called out to him. It was his best friend, Aguni.

"I don't want to go to a stupid bloody concert." Niragi muttered, Aguni had sighed and rolled his eyes slightly as their friend Arisu trailed behind them alone with Niragi's sister, Usagi.

"It'll be fun and awesome, trust me on this one." Aguni chimes in and he gave in. He sighed mentally at having to not be able to just hang around his house for the night with his sister.

They were on their way to Usagi's car. She had been designated driver as they all knew the other three weren't good at driving.

Niragi had a motorcycle and Aguni was a slow driver while Arisu was a maniac and could not have been trusted to drive them.

They all talked and laughed mainly at Usagi for her plain and boring remakes she made towards Arisu, her boyfriend.

Once they had reached the car they all hopped in. Arisu being in the passenger seat, Aguni and Niragi in the back.

Arisu and Usagi looked towards the back at the two best friends, before looking at each other and shaking their heads. They knew this was gonna be a long night ahead of them.

The drive to the concert had been filled with laughter, yelling and a bunch of sighs. Mainly from Usagi as she had felt a headache already beginning to form.

They arrived about an hour later and hopped out. Usagi and Arisu holding hands as Aguni and Niragi were on different sides.

They made it just in time as they showed the security their tickets and were allowed in with a nod and some bracelets.

They had been in the front row and Arisu was so happy and excited. This was his favorite band. "Jokers & Guns" Arisu had to admit himself the name was a bit weird.

He wouldn't complain though, the band was good and he honestly liked their music. They all complimented each other really well and he wished he could have a band sometimes seeing as Niragi was a good singer and drummer. Usagi could play electric guitar and Aguni could play any type of piano. Arisu could also sing and dance.

The concert started after a while, the lights going low for a bit before some of them landed on the stage. It was white and gold colors. Arisu beamed brightly as the members showed up on the stage.

The crowd roared as they could finally see all members. The band consisted of, Ann the guitarist, Tatta he was the drummer and Kunia who played the piano. And finally, Chishiya Shuntaro, the singer.

Arisu had loved them all. Mainly Ann because she was an amazing guitarist. Usagi got jealous every time of the mere mention of her or the band.

The crowd settled down slightly and the band talked a bit, teasing the crowd for a while before they started playing their music.

The first song was, "Cardigan". It was a good song. The crowd had all sung with them and it was all a good time.

They continued to play different songs and talking to the crowd here and there. Something had caught Chishiya's eye.

He was staring at someone in the crowd. And mainly everyone saw it but nobody knew who it was. Throughout the whole concert after that he never really stopped staring.

He only blinked a few times when he needed and he just kept singing as he still stared at said figure.

Arisu had then realized. It was Niragi he was staring at. Chishiya Shuntaro, a famous singer was staring at his friend. He couldn't help but almost scream.

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