Meeting (Fluff)

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(Takes Place During Season 1)

3rd Person POV

"Chishiya get ready for the meeting!" Niragi shouted from the bathroom, fixing his hair up.

"Chill out! I am almost done." He called out, frustrated. He was trying to hurry hut he couldn't find his dumb jacket.

"GOD! Where the fuck is it?!" He shouts, getting more and more frustrated as seconds passed by.

Chishiya turned his head, Niragi coming into his view. His eyes widened, he saw a familiar clothing piece in Niragi's hand, as he twirled it around with one finger.

"You little, motherfucker!" Chishiya whispers, relief washing over him. The feeling disappears after a moment or two, anger washing over.

"You! Motherfucker, I am going to kill you!!!" Chishiya exclaims, not happy at all.

Niragi's eyes widen, he quickly runs out of their shared room, running towards the meeting room. Where they should have already been heading towards, 20 minutes ago.

Everybody that they were running by, were probably judging them, maybe confused as to why the two people they thought hated each other more than anything, were in the halls, one with a smile on their face the other pissed off.

Especially the fact, Chishiya, the male who never really showed any emotions ever, was actually pissed off.

Everybody went back to whatever they were doing, the only thing that didn't surprise them id Niragi being the one, Chishiya is mad at.

Niragi gets to the meeting room, bursting through the doors. Everybody in the room look up, heads snapping towards the loud thud of the doors, hitting the wall at the same exact time.

"What the fuck Niragi?!" Aguni questioned him, confused like everybody else.

Niragi didn't answer at first, moving quickly. Chishiya stormed into the room, eyes roaming around everybody, looking for a specific asshole.

His eyes scan the room, again and again before, he sees him. His eyes land on the specific asshole. He starts laughing, Niragi and everybody in the room, stands there, shocked, surprised.

"The fuck you laughing at you insane ass motherfucker!?" Niragi shouts, terrified of the man standing before him.

"Because you are so terrified right now! Fuckin hell, that- your- your face is so fucking funny right now." Chishiya breathlessly says, not being able to contain his laughing anymore than he had.

As he kept laughing, everybody glanced at each other, scared, shocked, surprised. Mostly, worried glances to Niragi. Scared for what will happen to him when Chishiya is done with his, laughing fit.

Niragi, gulps. The silence is so loud, besides Chishiya's non-stop laughing. Everybody could hear the gulp. Chishiya stops laughing, he comes up to Niragi.

He snatches the jacket and he waddles away, like a penguin. After a couple of seconds, the doors still open, everybody could hear a distant penguin noise.

Everybody that knows who it was and, why, laughs. As they laugh, they feel their stomachs about to explode, from all the laughing.

They all continue laughing, everybody that does mot understand it, and who said it, stand there confused in the building. Scared about what the fuck is wrong with the council members. The ones who are supposed to be serious 100% of the time.

This is kind of chaotic I don't really know. The picture in the beginning is my cat by the way! It is almost 12 am. I just thought I would write this. Expect a chapter tomorrow or Tuesday because I have a draft of mine I finished! Stay safe and hydrated!! <3.

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