The Forest (Horror)

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3rd Person POV

"Hey! Wait up for me you asshole." A male voice called out to a figure. The figure stopped waiting for the other. "Finally, you maniac you run too fast!" The male says, catching his breath.

"Sorry, Chishiya. Not my fault you can't keep up." The male laughs at the other's embarrassed face.

Chishiya turns away, as he looks at what is in front of them, a very creepy, scary woods. "You wanna go in there?"  Niragi asks, looking excited. Chishiya just hums, not knowing what to say.

"Fine, but only for a few minutes. Not any longer than 6 minutes." He mutters, before walking in first. Niragi just sighs at the other male's precaution.

"Don't sigh at me motherfucker-" Chishiya goes to say more but stops, he shuts his mouth. 'I swore I heard something..' He thinks as Niragi looks at him like he is crazy. "Are you okay?" Niragi asks, after a long few moments of silence.

Chishiya just nods, shaking his head. He runs a hand through his crusty wig. Niragi just narrows his dark brown eyes at the other, not believing his confirmation he is fine.

They continue walking after a while, deeper into the creepy, eerie woods. Niragi soon gasps, tripping over something. A crunch could be heard from the leaves, underneath the mans body that just got crushed. Niragi and Chishiya's eyes both trail over to what Niragi tripped on. Their eyes widened as they see a gruesome, gory and a macabre series of body parts, all scattered freely around the area they were in.

Chishiya lets out a horrified gasp. The woods was one reason to be shaken, the body parts, was all the more reason for them to get the fuck out of there.

"Come on Niragi, let's get out of here. This place is fucking sick." Chishiya whispers, whatever is here. He does not wanna find out. Niragi just nods, wanting the same.

As Chishiya helps Niragi get up, they hear a loud snap of a twig from behind them. They both turn their heads, slowly. They see a human standing there. It's a little girl. She looks scared for her life.

"We should help her." Chishiya says. Niragi shakes his head, "I do not think that is a good idea, at all." Chishiya sighs, he goes over to the girl.

"Are you okay?" He asks. She just shakes her head no. They hear a scream behind them. They all run deeper into the forest. Chishiya carrying the girl, and dragging Niragi by the wrist.

The crunches of multiple leaves quite down, so it is only him and Chishiya making noise now. Chishiya finally stops running, out of breath. "That was fucking insane. We still aren't even out of this shit place either." Niragi says, obviously wanting to be at home right now.

"Okay kid, what's your name?" Niragi asks after a while. The kids head snaps up instantly, afraid. "Sallie.." She whispers. Niragi nods, as he walks over. Careful and cautious though.

"I'm Niragi, nice to meet you Sallie." Niragi extends his hand for the kid to shake. The kid reaches for Niragi's hand, and goes to shake it.

"Hey guys, we should get moving, again." Chishiya says after they are done shaking hands. Niragi nods, while Sallie silently hums, agreeing.

They start to make their way back, to where the remains were. Chishiya shudders at the thought of going back, terrified of whatever was chasing them for so long.

They eventually make it back. After 3 long breaks and 2 water breaks. "Okay lets get out of here, before whatever the hell that thing was, gets back to us and kills us." Niragi says, gagging at the remains on the ground.

They eventually make it back, on their way to the police station, with Sallie. As they open the door, everybody stares at them. "Hello, is there something we can help with?" A nice female officer asks.

"Yea, we accidentally went into the creepy woods about 4 miles from here and found this lost child, Sallie." Chishiya explains. The girl raises her eyebrow, confused.

"Where is, the little girl?" She asks. The two males get confused, glancing at each other.

"No, no. Sallie is right here! She is right here. The little girl is standing right here!" Niragi says, shocked. Is it some trick the officers are playing on them?! "I'm sorry to inform you but there is no girl there, do you guys need me to call someone to pick you up?" The female officer asks, getting her phone ready.

Zeke and Tally snap their heads at eachother, meaning that they both, somehow died?! How could the officers see them though? How could they see Sallie then? Unless, Sallie is not even real? Are they losing their minds?!
Hi guys! I have had this draft for 5 months now and decided to finally release it, if there are any errors let me know. There is also a part two to this so it should be released on Wednesday, Friday the very most. Hope you guys enjoy this one, it is one of my favorite's I have wrote!! Be safe and stay hydrated!! Also I am sick so I am sorry if I am not active for a few days! <3.

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