It Hurts (Angst)

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(No AIB)

Chishiya POV

It has been a while. Since Niragi, since him leaving. I never saw him after the train station. It was our last face to face talk.

He called earlier, I was so fucking excited to talk to him. It had been a while since I had heard his voice.

I knew it wouldn't be a happy conversation though. Part of me had hoped, lingered that we could connect back from what we had in the past, the kisses, make-out sessions, the sex, the tears, the hugs and cuddles, the stupid things we'd say or do with each-other and most of all, the touches we had shared together.

It hurt, stung me how he just basically left me there. All alone, no one to comfort me, no one to understand how I felt or what had happened between us.

I was joking around with him when I asked if he was gonna tel me he's married or soon to be married. When he said he was engaged, it had hurt.

I felt the stinging, the prick of a needle, the dreadful feelings I felt in my stomach. As a pit formed in my stomach. I wanted to just scream at that moment, right then and there. I knew I couldn't. No one would ever understand how he made me feel and how now that feeling is absolutely gone, replaced with sadness.

I jut made it seem as if it was fine and I was glad for him. I was jealous. He got to move on whilst I sat here, in front of the fire place, tears welling up in my eyes.

He got to be god knows where, with some pretty lady who can have his children and he can have a family with. I was stuck here, alone. By myself, pinning for him the whole time. Knowing, I could never have him.

I never had him in the first place, it was all just fun and games to him. He was just experimenting. He never truly cared about me. I can barely even say his name, yet I can't get him out of my head.

My family knew about what me and him had shared. All the touches and words spoken, whispered between just us. They really loved him as well. As if he was apart of our family.

They probably still loved him, they would never understand how it felt to have the one you loved stripped away from you. And all you have is a mere shirt with their scent barely clinging onto it. The shirt slowly smelling bad, the smell becoming grass like and muddy.

I don't think I'll ever truly forget him. He will always be in the back of mind I feel. Just slowly becoming memories but rising up slowly, like how he'd do that with the shirts I had on when we were in the mood or we would just want to feel one's bare skin.

It's as if he will be a ghost in my life, absent in my eyes but still lingering near me. Like a feeling you get when eyes are on you. Like how I felt when he'd watch me whenever he had a chance to.

I can still feel the touches. The fingers rubbing my back, or him cracking my back for me, knowing I was so stressed. The touches when we had sex, him tugging on my hair or gripping my hips.

I feel another wave of emotions coming towards me rapidly, a big tsunami wave that's wanting to come crash down and ruin my life, like he had.

It's so overwhelming, all the thoughts of just purely him. It's as if he's the only person in my life. Like I never met anyone else. I only saw him in my eyes, no matter where I looked.

I smiled, knowing I would never truly have him. I never had him and I knew that. It felt so surreal though. Being able to still feel the touches, the soft lips on mine, the strong, firm hands holding me steady.

  I felt the fire place warmth, the heat radiating towards me. Niragi's body had done the same. I could always feel the heat his body had, warming me up as we cuddled or had sex.

Niragi will always have a place in my heart. Even if I found another person, no matter. He would always be the one. He would never know, he has his own person already and it isn't me. So he will never know he's my person.

No one will ever understand how I felt about him, how I'd do anything for him. I'd sacrifice everything and anything just for the mere touch of his hands on my face, like our first kiss.

His hand tracing my lips, slowly as if I was a sculpture he liked to study with my dad. It was amazing, the tension between us was amazing, the heat radiating off of both of our bodies before we finally crashed our bodies and lips together.

I felt the tears rush down my face slowly, I kept my arms wrapped around my legs, it felt as if I were a turtle, hiding from the reality of everything.

I never stopped smiling, no matter what. I heard my mother call my name. It reminded me of Niragi. She didn't say it like him, he whispered it, softly into my ear as we lay naked with each other, under the sheets as smiles plastered themselves on our faces.

I unwrap my arms from where they found themselves, wiping my eyes slowly. The tears still fell down though, I had no intention on wiping them away again. I turned around, a smile still found its way on my face.

The only thought I now had in my mind, as I looked at my mother, the whole thought being written in my eyes. The thought my mother recognized immediately.

It Hurts...

This is from a movie well it's about two characters from a movie. It's called, "Call Me By Your Name" it's a really good movie and I've been watching it since it came out but I just thought now about a story. So I thought I'd share it as Niragi and Chishiya. Be safe and stay hydrated!!! <3.

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