'Enemies' To Lovers (Fluff)

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(Wrestling AU)
3rd Person POV

Grunts could be heard echoing throughout the stadium. Aguni, an enemy of Chishiya's for a while now, was fighting him.

He was ambushed and it turned into a match now. Chishiya wasn't prepared for this. He hasn't recovered from his 3 matches the week prior.

Chishiya had three in a row and he was exhausted and had his knee sprained with lots of bruises.

The crowd cheered, he had just dodged an attack from Aguni. He bounced back from the rope, running full on at Aguni, his shoulder knocking him to the ground.

Chishiya quickly picked him up, moving Aguni around in his arms, as he got ready to do his signature move, 'Cheshire Cat', Aguni punched his sprained knee.

He gasped, dropping him. Aguni used it to his own advantage, punching Chishiya non-stop. He attacked him over and over.

Chishiya finally kicked him, with the hurt leg. He groaned in pain, quickly gaining his composure. He grabbed Aguni again. This time he successfully did his signature move. He lifted Aguni's leg up, the referee squatting, smacking the ring mat.


"The winner of this match, Chishiya Shuntaro!!" The announcer yelled into the microphone. The referee held his arm in the air. He let it all sink in. The relief, the pride and then, pain.

He quickly, got out of the ring. Tatta and Arisu weren't there. They stayed in the locker room, per his request.

He limped out of there. He kept wincing and whimpering in pain. He couldn't make it to the locker room. His leg gave out and he fell to the ground.

He crawled to the side of the hallway, groaning loudly, clutching his knee. Chishiya felt tears prick his eyes. No tears came out, they stuck to his eye lashes like beads from a pearl necklace.

Chishiya could barely register the footsteps he heard from all the pain clouding his head.

He looked up as a hand came in contact with his shoulder. He was shocked. It was none other than Niragi Surguru..

"Chishiya, Chishiya.. Are you alright?" He asked. He wanted to believe he actually cared about him. But they had been enemies since he came to AIB.

"Why do you care? I'm your enemy. You are supposed to kick my bad knee and walk away, laughing in my face like I'm a stupid bitch." He spat, mostly at himself for being such an idiot.

"Chishiya, we may be enemies but I still am going to be a nice human being and care if you're in pain." He whispers to him, softly.

His gaze softens, he sighs and nods at him.

"It hurts, really fucking badly... It wasn't healed all the way.. I got ambushed by Aguni and Tatta and Arisu weren't there. So I knew I couldn't get out of there. I was screwed.. It hurts, Niragi. Please..." He whispered the last words to him.

'He must be in so much pain to be letting his guard down and to almost be crying..' He thinks as he nods to him, understanding.

"Okay, okay. I am going to carry you to your locker room. Okay? And then we can get you a doctor from the medical center here. Okay?" He explains towards him. He  just nods. Exhaustion washing over his limbs.

He tries to pick Chishiya up as carefully as he can. He whimpers and groans a bit before he sighs, snuggling closer to his chest.

He carries him through the hallways, not even caring or paying attention to the looks he gets from the other wrestlers and staff members.

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