The Forest Part 2 (Horror)

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3rd Person POV

"Chishiya, we have to talk about what happened four days ago." Niragi said. Chishiya and Niragi drifted apart after what happened. Not knowing what happened and still to this day, never finding out what really went down in the woods.

"Nothing happened, Niragi. Everybody thinks we're crazy. Hell, maybe we are.." Chishiya said mumbling off. Both of them had thoughts racing in their head, not knowing what to do.

"Come on Chishiya! You do not really think that we are going insane. You know what happened. You saw what I saw." Niragi shouted, frustrated.

   Chishiya just sighed, before sighing. He leaned onto Niragi's shoulder, exhausted mentally. They stood in that spot for a moment. Taking a break from all their thoughts, together.

It didn't last long as they heard a voice, "Hey Chishiya, Niragi!" They snapped their heads over to the owner of the voice. They both look shook.

It's Sallie...

"Sallie! What are you doing here? Why did you disappear on us last time?! Are you even real? Are you human?!" Niragi shouted, tired of this dumb fucking bullshit.

Sallie laughs, maniacally. Her hands behind her back. Chishiya tries to get closer but, Niragi pulls him back. As soon as he does, Sallie lunges forward, knife in hand. They both run, scared for their lives.

They think of different places to go. After some thoughts, Chishiya pulls Niragi in the direction of the police station.

"Good idea, Chishiya." Niragi says, as he looks behind them. They see Sallie, chasing after them, giggling. His dark brown eyes widen, he runs faster, now dragging Chishiya with him.

"This shit is fucking creepy and scary as hell." Chishiya said, after looking back while being dragged.

They eventually reach the police station, not hesitating to go in. They look behind them and, Sallie is still there.

Chishiya turns back around, he grabs Niragi. Going closer to the police reception. "Hi, is there something I can help with?" She says not ready for their 'bullshit' like last time.

"The girl, Sallie she is behind us." Niragi says quickly. The police officers all nearby here and are about to laugh. But then the door opens, nothing happens. Nothing walks in.

Chishiya and Niragi see her walk in. They are horrified and start backing away. She comes closer as they back up. As she walks past the police officers, their heads get decapitated.

As their heads drop down, Sallie keeps her eyes on the both of them. Walking towards them, with a creepy smile on her face.

Niragi reaches for Chishiya's hand. They both know they are about to die. They can't do anything about it. But as soon as Sallie kills the last police officer, her eyes widen. As she struggles to breathe.

"She's a ghost that can make herself present to whoever she decides. And kill people by just walking past them whenever she wants. But, if she kills too much people, she can't kill anybody." Chishiya says, figuring it out.

After what happened the first time, Chishiya wanted to figure out what she was. "It all makes sense now." He mumbles, looking at her right in the eyes, as she disappears.
Hi guys!! Hope you enjoy this!!! I will make a part 2 of the other horror one. This is one of the first horror stories I wrote so it might be really shit. (P.S. You guys should totally watch criminal minds 10/10 show /hj) Hope you guys enjoy the chapter. I know it is short so I am sorry about that. Stay healthy and hydrated!!! <3.

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