The Neighbors (Horror)

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Music could be heard playing from a 2 story house on the street corner as cars kept turning onto the street, parking.

"I wonder what's happening over there.." A deep voice mumbles, peeking through the curtains of their house.

"Heh, I bet it is just some dumb teenagers having a party." Another voice chimes in. Overhearing the other, from the doorway.

"You! I.. You scared me! Don't ever do that again Niragi!" Said male just chuckles at the other, finding it all amusing.

"It isn't my fault, that you get scared so easily." He responds in a teasing manner. The other huffs before responding, "Blame Usagi! She always scared me when she was five and never stopped until I went to Harvard."

Niragi laughs at all the times he saw the mischievous look she have him. Before her brother would walk in, and she jumped out and scared him.

"Okay but, you have to admit, your face was priceless. Come on Chishiya, admit it!" Chishiya just stared at Niragi, a blank stare.

Niragi laughed more at the look he received. Chishiya sighs, before finally breaking and he starts laughing out as well.

The room is full of laughing. Laughter bouncing off the walls, gasps for air occasionally.

The laughter dies down as the two hear people knocking at the door.

"Trick or treaters?" Chishiya questions as they both go down the stairs, Niragi grabbing the candy bowl.

Chishiya opens the front door and appears a young couple, mid 20's.

At the sight of them, Niragi puts down the candy bowl on the edge of the stairs.

"Hello! We saw you guys move in a few days ago and we just have been so busy we haven't had a chance to introduce ourselves." The tall man said, finishing with a small smile.

Niragi and Chishiya looked at each other, before Niragi spoke for them both, "Oh! Yes you guys are the ones that live in the house on the street corner, currently having a big party it seems like."

The couple laughs, Chishiya and Niragi follow their action, laughing awkwardly.

As the laughter finally dies down, the woman, black hair, green eyes speaks up, "Ah, yes that is indeed our house. I know we don't know each other but, you guys seem like such nice, good people so we wanted to come over, see if you would like to come over for a bit. Maybe for dinner on Tuesday?"

The two getting asked the question, look at each other. Niragi speaks up once again for them, "Uhm.. We are actually really busy this month, I am a writer and he is an astronaut on leave right now. And, we don't even know your names.."

The couple looks stunned for a second, they quickly regain their posture, the male clears his throat before speaking, "Oh! Right, I am Chris and she is, Lily."

Chishiya speaks up this time, "Well, it was nice meeting you, Chris and Lily. My name is Chishiya and this is Niragi. It was really lovely meeting you guys but, we have a tight schedule and have to get ready to leave. I truly apologize but we shall talk when we are less busy."

Chris sighs as Lily huffs, frustrated. Chris nods, none of the less.

Niragi and Chishiya wave to them as they retreat back to their humble abode.

Before they can fully close the door, more people come up to their house, an elderly couple.

"Be careful of those people, they may seem normal but every new person that moves in on this street, they invite over, those people have never been seen again. We have reported it all the time, police find nothing. You are lucky you said no, or else you wouldn't have made it out. If we were you guys, we would be gone, but we are stuck here, warning other people.." One of the women say, the other holding onto her, by the arm.

Chishiya looks stunned while Niragi, clears his throat before speaking, "Thank you for the information, really. We appreciate it and we will leave as soon as possible." Niragi gives a quick smile before they leave. He closes the door, as he sighs.

He turns around, seeing Chishiya still stunned. "Hey, hey.. We are okay, we are gonna get out of here as soon as we can. Chishiya? Come on.. Lets pack up already and then we can leave and go visit Usagi!" Niragi tries to calm Chishiya down. He picks him up as he locks the door, he brings him to their shared bedroom and sets him down on the bed.

"You stay here I will start packing everything up." Chishiya's eyes widen. Niragi thinks its because of what he said. Chishiya shakily, slowly brings his hand out, pointing to behind Niragi.

Niragi looks behind him and sees a figure, upside down, hanging off the doorframe. He gasps, shocked.

He quickly regained composure and grabbed Chishiya's hand. He doesn't give Chishiya time to comprehend what he is about to do before glass shatters, they are falling, two stories down is grass.

'The grass looks really comfortable right now.. I wish we could lay on the grass together, forever..' Niragi thinks as he tightens his grip on Chishiya's hand.

There is a thump as Niragi hit the ground, a groan, Chishiya landing on top of Niragi.

"We gotta get out of here!" Niragi heard a voice say he couldn't hear well, a ringing echoing in his ears.

He felt a weight lift off of him. Sighing in relief from less pressure on him. He feels hands lift him up and into a vehicle.

The car starts moving, fast. After a couple of minutes, Niragi regains all control of his body and mind.

He looks to the driver, Chishiya seems fine now. Shaken up, but over all fine.

Chishiya was so focused on the road, his thoughts racing in his mind he did not feel the hand that placed it self on his thigh. He let out a gasp, when he noticed and felt it.

"We aren't done with whatever that was.." Niragi says, stating the obvious. Chishiya, finally out of his head, hummed, agreeing.

There isn't that much cars on the road, surprising both of them.

"I expected there to be more cars, if I am being honest.." Chishiya whispered, taking one hand off the wheel to intertwine the one still on his thigh.

Hi guys!! I has this as a draft since Saturday, I was really in the dumps so I was writing for over 20 minutes and got this and thought I would share it with you guys!! Over 1,000 words so hope you guys enjoy and if you guys really want, I can either make another part or make a book about this. Also this was about to other guys from something else so yeaaa! Stay safe and hydrated guys!! <3.

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